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Hello everyone.


I’m writing regarding a problem, or rather a mistake that I made inadvertently. Around May, I cancelled my mobile subscription since I was moving out of the Netherlands. I unlinked my IBAN from the account, not realising that I would have received additional invoices. Checking the email that I used for dutch-related matters after a long time, I saw the requests to pay these invoices. I tried to use the link that I last received in September and it does not work. I understand that I unintentionally messed up, is there a way I can fix this, even with a fine or additional interest?


Thank you. 

Hi Rob, welcome to our Community! No worries, mistakes happen. Good to see that you checked your email afterwards. I've looked into your account, and I see an open amount of € 62,45. You can manually do the payment as follows:

  • Odido
  • NL03 COBA 0733 9597 17
  • Amount: € 62,45
  • Description: 1.21956676

That way, your registration at Prevental will end after we've received the payment, and it will be resolved. Will you let me know if you were able to do the payment or if you have any other questions? I'm here for you! 😄

Extra information: If you do the payment from a non-SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) country, you will need COBANL2XXXX. SEPA countries are:

België, Bulgarije, Cyprus, Denemarken, Duitsland, Estland, Finland, Frankrijk (inclusief Frans-Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion), Griekenland, Hongarije, Ierland, IJsland, Italië, Kroatië, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Nederland, Noorwegen, Oostenrijk, Polen, Portugal (inclusief Azoren en Madeira), Roemenië, Slovenië, Slowakije, Spanje (inclusief Canarische Eilanden, Ceuta en Melilla), Tsjechië, Verenigd Koninkrijk (Engeland, Schotland, Wales, Noord-Ierland), Zweden en Zwitserland.

Hi Rob, welcome to our Community! No worries, mistakes happen. Good to see that you checked your email afterwards. I've looked into your account, and I see an open amount of € 62,45. You can manually do the payment as follows:

  • Odido
  • NL03 COBA 0733 9597 17
  • Amount: € 62,45
  • Description: 1.21956676

That way, your registration at Prevental will end after we've received the payment, and it will be resolved. Will you let me know if you were able to do the payment or if you have any other questions? I'm here for you! 😄

Extra information: If you do the payment from a non-SEPA (Single Euro Payments Area) country, you will need COBANL2XXXX. SEPA countries are:

België, Bulgarije, Cyprus, Denemarken, Duitsland, Estland, Finland, Frankrijk (inclusief Frans-Guyana, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion), Griekenland, Hongarije, Ierland, IJsland, Italië, Kroatië, Letland, Liechtenstein, Litouwen, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Nederland, Noorwegen, Oostenrijk, Polen, Portugal (inclusief Azoren en Madeira), Roemenië, Slovenië, Slowakije, Spanje (inclusief Canarische Eilanden, Ceuta en Melilla), Tsjechië, Verenigd Koninkrijk (Engeland, Schotland, Wales, Noord-Ierland), Zweden en Zwitserland.


Dear Marciano, thank you for your support. I sent the payment with the information that you indicated. Let me know if I should do anything else.

In the meantime, thank you again.

Hi Rob, you're very welcome! Good to hear that you did the payment. Manual payments will take about 3 days before I can see them in our system, so we can check again on Friday to see if everything is okay! 

Dear Marciano,


Just checking if you received my payment.

I recently received another email asking for a different amount to be paid, I was wondering if it is somehow connected to what we have discussed here?


Thank you,

Hi Rob, I see the incoming payment, thank you! I've looked into your account, and I now also see admin costs of € 40. Is this the same amount that you received a mail about?

Dear Marciano, the amount I see is 102,45, which I guess is the 62,25 EUR paid plus the 40 EUR admin costs.

Hi ​@RobAmsterdam, yes indeed! You can pay them manually as indicated above. At the moment I only see the € 40,00 for Adminn cost open in your account. I advise you to pay them as soon as possible! 

Dears, I proceeded with the payment for 40 EUR as requested. Let me know if further action is needed.


Thank you.

Hello ​@RobAmsterdam, I only see the amount of € 40,00 open in your account for adminn cost. Were you successful in paying these? I don't see it back in your account yet. Once you have transferred it, it takes about 3 business days for the amount to be linked and processed in your account. 

Once you pay it, there is nothing else open in your account and you won't have to make any more payments! 

Hello all,

please notice I paid the two remaining invoices separately (62,25 EUR paid plus the 40 EUR admin costs). I recently received another solicitation to pay the outstanding invoices. Can you check that everything went correctly? Will I be contacted by Preventel or Bos Incasso again?


Thank you,

Hi ​@RobAmsterdam I do indeed see the amounts back with your subscription and that it has been processed, thanks for your payment! Everything is now fully paid off. You will also no longer be contacted by Bos Incasso. 

If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know! 😄
