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T-mobile keep chargin from my bank account 2 months after subscription has been cancelled

  • 27 December 2022
  • 1 reactie
  • 16 Bekeken


I canceled my home subscription in the beginning of october. Then in December I recieved a letter from t-mobile that there is invoice for services (that doesn't exists). I called to the customer service, I was told that they cannot cancel the scheduled payment, but the money will be refunded at the same date as the payment. 21.12 money was charged from my account but nothing refunded. I called again and I was told that customer support will call me back when they figure out what is going on. Nobody called me back, nothing was charged.

So my questions:
1. why is t-mobile keep chargin my money?
2. how can I request refund?
3. how long t-mobile will keep my personal and bank data?
4. how can I request removal of my personal and bank data from t-mobile data base?

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