We recently changed to T-mobile as our wifi providers. Befor finalizing the contract I specificall asked the T-mobile employee at the local shop here whether we will indeed recieve the 100 mbit/s. I was told yes mutliple times.
After we set up the router it turned out that the acutal connection was much lower. I went back to the store and was told that there was a temporary issue and that from February 16th the full speed of 100 would be reach. Since that did not happen, I went back to the store to ask yet another employee who told me no such temperary ‘slow down’ ever existed and to call the hotline. However, he told me that we can easily termiante the contract if T-mobile does not deliver the promised speed.
This week we had a technition from T-mobile coming by who checked but told us that while the connection is slow yet not slow enough for T-mobile to do anything nor that we could terminate the contract. A seped test never reaches an upload rate of above 15 mbit/s - substantially less than the 100 we are paying for. A LAN-/ cable connection also does not give us a much faster option either.
Can anyone help or did anyone have a similar issue? I am not sure how to proceed as T-mobile employees do not seem to be of great help since everyone so far gave us contradiction or straight up wrong information.