No internet after moving


At the end of April I moved to a new apartments and wanted to move my t-mobile subscription with me. 

I checked if internet is available at my address and it was on the t-mobile webpage. However, your colleague in chat mentioned that currently fiber optic is getting connected there and until it’s done I won’t have internet connection but mentioned that it won’t take long.

I have waited for a month and in May I received a router. After chatting again with t-mobile I got an answer that everything is ready and Guidon should contact me to arrange an appointment. After a week or so I asked again and was given a number of KPN to call and make an appointment myself. KPN confirmed that everything is ready and transferred me several times before I finally reached Guidon who told me that the connection is not yet there and I should wait.

Now it’s June and there is still no internet although both t-mobile and KPN says it’s available at my address.

Moreover, I see that t-mobile currently offers 6 months discount instead of 4 when I applied for Internet.


I honestly do not understand why it’s taking so long and why there is such poor communication between the T-mobile, KPN and Guidon. I could wait more patiently if there was an alternative for a wired connection but there is not, I can’t use DSL because it’s being switched to fiber. This is extremely disappointing and I regret my decision to stick with T-mobile because of the customer benefit.

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11 reacties

Reputatie 7
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Hello @dmmakh 

Is the Fiber allready installed in your appartment so do you have a Fiber connection point which has been tested by KPN?

@Waqqas no I have not. 

Reputatie 7
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That means that the connection is not there. KPN or their partner who applied the Fiber need to bring the Fiber cable into your appartment and install an FTU, Guidion can than install the mediaconverter and router.

A moderator could help you with this.

yes I do understand this. However both KPN and T-mobile was telling me that everything is ready and redirecting me to Guidon who obviously have nothing to do here for now.

Reputatie 7
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@dmmakh I have checked this for you. It seems that KPN NewerkNL still needs to make an appointment with you. I only can’t see when they will reach out to you. What you also can do, is reach out to them by calling to 088 006 37 44 (option 2). You can call this number from Monday to Friday between 08:30 - 17:00.

@Demi  I’ve called them today and after literally 10 redirections between KPN, subcontractors and other third parties I’ve been told that the outside fiber boxes are not ready and they have no information how long will it take to finally install something.

Now imagine working from home for 3 months with no internet, no information and not a single person who can give you something more than “let me redirect you to my colleague”.

It is truly beyond my understanding, how the company can neglect customer’s interest, show such a lack of attention to that case. I am being bounced back all the time I try to reach out to any of companies involved. No one has information, deadline or a reason. Nobody cares to try and provide a sufficient information.

I’ve been with T Mobile subscriptions for a while now, but this situation makes me consider switching providers and simply never ever deal with such a service anymore.

@Demi could you please show a bit more involvement to my case than the others did, and check the situation from your side, escalate to managers, reach whoever needed and finally let me know why it’s already 3 months without any sign of Internet, why I can’t even use any other option like DSL in between and when it’ll be ready?

At this point, I am extremely frustrated and if this brings me no result after all these attempts, I’ll terminate the contract.

I truly hope karma gets whoever is responsible for this and they’ll live with no chance to get even EDGE at their location. 


Reputatie 7
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Thank you for sharing the way you feel @dmmakh. I can image the frustration, I really do. I do find it a bit strange dat KPN NetwerkNL couldn't give you any information at all. At this point, we are standing on the side lines waiting until the connection is ready. What I did do to help you as good as I can, is asked around at the Fiber department. When I have any more information that is worth sharing, I will let you know in this topic!

Can I maybe offer Unlimited Data on your mobile phone? This way you don't have to worry about MB's and you can use this device as a hotspot for other devices. If this is something that you want, please send me private message!

As an update, nothing has been solved. At the beggining I was told that the internet will be connected no later than the end of June (week 26). @Cheyenne unfortunately couldn’t offer anything as I already have unlimited mobile internet but you can’t configure it so I don’t need to top up it every 2GBs.

And finally, I was told today that the internet expected at week 39!!!! It’s the end of September, almost 6 months after contract start. I don’t really understand what’s wrong and why this is happening...

Reputatie 7
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Hi @dmmakh, thank you for the update and sorry that things haven't gone the way we hoped! I checked your subscription and see you've ordered a new contract on June 24th. May I ask why? This will restart the process anew and is most likely the reason why the plan date is set in week 39.

Can I offer you an Unlimited Internet voucher in spite of your Unlimited mobile package? 

@Jas  because when I asked your colleague regarding at least a benefit in internet discount (6 months instead of 4) as there was nothing else I could get at this point of time I was told the only way to do it is to cancel and reorder the subscription.

I don’t think this is the reason as there should be work done outside of the house and after calling to KPN they confirmed that they just don’t have a plan to do anything with this house until August/September.

I’m honestly tired of this back and forth messaging without any resolution so I decided to cancel my T-mobile subscription and switch to Ziggo. I hope in future you’ll figure something out as this is not acceptable to sell customer a subscription which is not exists for next 6 months.

Reputatie 7

Hi @dmmakh, thanks a lot for the explanation! I really hoped it would have turned out differently for you, so I'm sorry for that. I totally respect your decision, but I really hope you can join T-Mobile voor thuis in the future. I wish you all the best. Please know that you're always welcome with your questions on the Community! 😊