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Cancel my contract when I do not live in Netherlands currently

I have a contract with T-mobile 10 years ago. I left Netherlands since my visa is invalid. Therefore, I closed my bank account and did not close my account at T-mobile at that time. I still received my invoices in my email adress when I was back to my home country. I just signed my contract when I lived in Netherlands and forgot to close my account when I left Netherlands. They informed that they change my account to prepaid. I want to discontinue my contract currently. What should I do now? Please help me!

Beste antwoord door Marciano van Odido

Hi namhaitran, welcome to our Community! Sorry to see you go, but I hope you're having a good time in your home country. I can't find you on your e-mail address. Please send me a private message with the following information of subscription from when you were in the Netherlands: your 06-number, date of birth, zip code + house number and last 4 digits of your IBAN. I'm happy to help you cancel your subscription! 😄

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Marciano van Odido

Hi namhaitran, welcome to our Community! Sorry to see you go, but I hope you're having a good time in your home country. I can't find you on your e-mail address. Please send me a private message with the following information of subscription from when you were in the Netherlands: your 06-number, date of birth, zip code + house number and last 4 digits of your IBAN. I'm happy to help you cancel your subscription! 😄

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  • 20 maart 2024

Thanks Marciano for your reply. 

This happened 10 years ago when I left Netherlands in November of 2016. Then I still received invoice for the next months and then T-mobile informed that they changes my account to prepaid. My contract is just two years periord (it starts from 2014 to 2016) and it must be terminated when my permit visa (for student) is invalid at the end of November of 2016. My name is Nam Hai Tran and date of birth is XXX. My house number is XXX, XXX Rotterdam and XXX Rotterdam. Those are two address I can remember when I am a student at that time. Last 4 digits of my IBAN is XXX (but I closed this bank account when I left Netherlands at the end of November of 2016). what is 06-number ? If it is Id card number, I can not rember since I returned it to the authority. What do you need to know to help me about this issues? Please let me know.  


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  • 21 maart 2024

Dear Marciano, 

There is font problem when I write private message to you. So I post it on here. The phone number I used in Netherlands is XXX. My date of birth is XXX My house number is XXX Rotterdam. Those are two addresses I can remember when I was a student at that time. Last 4 digits of my IBAN is XXX(but I closed this bank account when I left Netherlands at the end of November of 2016). 

Kind regards, 

Nam Hai Tran

Marciano van Odido

Hi Nam, if you forgot to cancel your subscription when you left the Netherlands in 2016, then I understand that you kept receiving invoices that still needed to be paid. But 2016 is a long time ago. Your subscription has been inactive for some time. I've looked into your subscription, and I see that your account has been forwarded to a collection agency (Incasso bureau). This agency has been declared bankrupt, which is why you are now receiving these e-mails. It's unclear for now which agency will take over, and the bankruptcies aren't finalized yet, so it might take some time before you hear something.

What's the last message you received from an agency? Can you share a screenshot?

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  • 21 maart 2024

I just remember I have a one or two year contract from 2014 to 2016. I must return to my home country since my permit is valid until at the end of November of 2016. When I left Netherlands, I must close my bank account. The fact thatI still paid enough invoice until I left Netherlands. I paid the invoice of the December in 2016 through the help of my friend in Europe. And then I still received the invoiced in the next few months. I thought my contract expires in 2016 and I just needed to pay for the next months before I left Netherlands (my residence permit was revoked in 2016). Below is the last message I received. 


Marciano van Odido

Hi Nam, thanks for your screenshot! It is as I said in my previous reply. All open payments have been temporarily frozen, because of the bankruptcy of the collection agency. For now, there is nothing you can or have to do. If you still need to pay the open amount of € 37,92 in the future, you will hear something from the replacing collection agency! 😊

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  • 22 maart 2024

Hi Marciano, 

I mean that there are invoices from December of 2016 to May of 2017. But those invoices did not indicated any information of which month and the start, end date. I terminated the contract before I left Netherlands at the end of November of 2016 ( I ended my contract and did not subscribe for the next months before I left Netherlands, I just paid for the months I lived before I left and this was done through my bank account). But I still received the invoices for the months (after I left Netherlands) I did not use the mobile sevices. And the subscriptions still continued and then T-mobile informed that they changed my account to prepaid. (as indicated in the screen shot-the last message I received). I worried there was a mistake in the action of discontinuing my contract. It expired after a one or two-year contract and I just paid the months when I lived in Netherlands. I did not cancel it earlier and paid mobile service in several months before I left Nethelands (my residence permit is revoked). It must be stopped after I left Netherlands for an expired contract. 




Marciano van Odido

Hi Nam, thanks for the explanation. I get it now. Your contract ran from 2014 - 2016. However, your subscription always keeps running until you cancel it yourself or request number porting if you go to a new provider. If you don't cancel, your subscription will run, even when you're outside of your contract. This will always be the case, so you will always be connected. Not using the subscription anymore isn't enough to cancel the subscription. I wish you would've contacted us in 2017, right after you received the first invoice back then. My colleagues could've canceled your subscription right away. 

So, your subscription was still running, and because of the open amount for a longer period of time, you received the mail that we changed your subscription to PrePaid. But after 6 months of not using PrePaid we also deactivated this automatically.  I hope this clarifies things for you, but if you have any questions, please feel free to ask me. I'm here for you!

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  • 22 maart 2024

Thanks Marciano for your explanation

The fact that I ended my two year contract and informed this in my account. There are several months I still pay the invoice before the day I left. (My residence permit is revoked so I must return to my home country immediately. If I do not comply with this, I will stay at Netherlands illegaly.) This means that how can I continue to pay the invoices after I left Netherlands since I terminated my two year contract? Besides, at T-mobile shop, if I am outside the contract, they also said that I just need to pay the invoices for the months left until my permit is over.

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  • 24 maart 2024

Dear Marciano,  

Besides, at T-mobile shop, when knew that I wanted to cancel the contract (two year) and stop the subscriptions, staff said that I just needed to pay the left months until my permit was expired. And the fact that the invoice of the left months was paid enough (through direct debit from my bank acount). I closed my Dutch bank account and then left Netherlands. And I did not received any mail from T-mobile about the ending of my contract and the stop of the subscription. The next invoices of the next months was also general and there was not any information about the start and ending date. I did not know whether T-mobile had any problems with the proceeding my requirement about the terminated contract and the subscriptions. Now I just know there are the invoiced in the past and do not know I should do with those.

Marciano van Odido

Hi Nam, I hope you had a great weekend. My apologies if my colleagues in the shop didn't give you the full or correct information about canceling your subscription. However, this was 7 years ago. I can't find those contact moments anymore or do anything about it now. The subscription has been inactive for a while now and there's nothing we can or have to do about it anymore. I hope you enjoyed your subscription with us, and I hope you have a great time abroad! 

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  • 25 maart 2024

Thanks Marciano for your reply, 

It is about my terminated a one and two-year contract. Another fact that is the requirement of stopped subscriptions for the left months ( before my permit is over and I must leave Netherlands at the end of November). So what should I do because it is not my fault. I hope T-mobile has reply to me about the unreasonable invoices and the act of forwarding my account to the collection agency. The fact is that I did not use the mobile services (only sim card) from December of 2016 to May of 2017. How I can do that when I left Netherlands at the end of November  (my permit is over at the end of November) and did not live in Netherlands from December of 2016 to May of 2017. Please give me more information about this situations if you have them from T-mobile (or Odido currently)



Marciano van Odido

Hi Nam, I don't have any information from 7 years ago. It is as I said, if your contract period ends, the subscription will still run, until you cancel it. I can't look into the situation from all those years ago, so I'm sorry to tell you that I can't do anything about it anymore. 

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  • 27 maart 2024

Dear Marciano, 

I aware that there is subscription after contract period ends. I cancelled subscription after a one and two year contract ended. Staff at T-mobile shop also informed that I just needed to pay for the left months until my permit ends. I paid enough invoices before I left Netherlands through my bank account. It means that I fulfilled the contract before closing my T-mobile account. The invoices sent to me after I left Netherlands was an error ? I hope T-mobile have reply to me about this. 

Pharwin van Odido

@namhaitran As my colleague Marciano pointed out, there's nothing we can do about this, sorry! That's because it's been so long, so there's nothing we can do about this. As he also pointed out, your contract always continues after the end date and is also terminable monthly. As long as no cancellation, number porting to a new provider is communicated, the contract always runs automatically with us. If you have not used it, that is not enough, because it is actually always your own responsibility to keep an eye on this. Because there were payments outstanding and not paid, you have now been transferred to a collection agency. However, it has been declared bankrupt and so far it is not clear who will take over the claims. As soon as that is known, they will notify you by email about the payments that still need to be made. There is nothing we can do for you at this time, sorry! 

If you have any other questions, please feel free to let us know. But there's no point in going on and on about this issue after we've already indicated several times that there's nothing we can do. Sorry! 

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  • 28 maart 2024

Dear Pharwin VanOdido,

 Thanks for your reply. 

After my contract ended, I paid invoices of the left months and cancelled it before my permit expired. This was done through my bank account. The unpaid invoices was sent after I left Netherlands while I cancelled (terminable monthly) the service from T-mobile before I left Netherlands. I just did that through my accout and at T-mobile shop. I am so sorry for that but what I can do to prove that? 




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