A few days ago I decided to contact T-Mobile tech support after having slow connection issues for a couple of weeks and having to reboot my router almost every day.
I went to the chat and explained my issue. Unfortunately, I got distracted and the chat closed to inactivity.
But I saw an email saying that my complaint was actually forwarded to technical support.
The next day I received an odd email, saying that my customer benefits have expired ( I have both mobile and Thuis subscriptions ). I saw in the app that I'm still registered to my old address, but I couldn't change it, so I called customer service. The person on the other end of the phone was puzzled by the situation ( he didn't really understand what was going on in the system ) so he opened a ticket and left some comments on the one opened a day before.
After the call, I noticed that my internet stopped working…
I called the support once more, and have been told my contract was canceled for some reason.
Again it wasn't unclear why ( not just to me, but also to the customer service ).
After some time of trying to understand what happened, he managed to get to tech support, and they told him ( I was on hold ) that it was indeed canceled. There is no way to restore it and I need to make a new one.
I was of course infinitely frustrated and angry, but for me, it was more important to restore the connection, than to figure out who did what and why.
So I agreed and was transferred to the sales department where I got a new contract and was transferred back to customer service.
And this is when they told me I need to wait for 2 weeks!!!! to get connected again and they cannot do anything.
They didn't want to escalate this to the management, even though I requested this several times.
They sent me an unlimited internet code for a week. But I already pay for an Unlimited mobile subscription.
After about half an hour of arguments, I managed to get a 10 euro discount ( Wow, so generous! Thank you T-Mobile! ).
I mostly work from home, so It affects me quite a lot.
Besides that I use an iPhone, which makes changing the HotSpot name so the devices think it's the router and connect to it is inconvenient, not to mention that it only supports up to 8 devices. And occasionally it stops sharing the HotSpot.
This makes a lot of my WiFi devices unusable.
I really don't understand how a company can do whatever they want and not have any consequences.
I thought a contract works both ways. And since they broke the contract I expect them to go the extra mile to help me go about my day, or at least give me some actual discount. ( 10 euro discount and a code for what I already pay for is a joke ).