Hey @erguler,
Thanks for notifying the Community, this is something that I’ll gladly help you with!
I took a dive in our systems and changed the email address of your old account to your old @t-mobilethuis email address. Now, you can use your private email address to log in to your new account by requested a password via the following link: Inloggegevens Opvragen.
Feel free to let me know if there’s anything else. Have fun with your account! 
Hi Cal,
Thank you for your quick response. I followed the steps and requested a new password. Next I logged in and tried to add my existing ‘thuis internet subscription’ by giving my house address and my birthday. However I got an error as “Sorry, er is iets fout gegaan. Probeer het later nog eens.”
Hi @erguler,
It is helpful that you wrote down all the steps you took, thanks! For some reason I’m also having trouble to access your account and I suspect that the connection with your T-Mobile Mobile subscription is not working properly. Could you send me your T-Mobile Mobile number via a private message? It seems that the number you provided us a contact number is from a different provider.
I’m curious to see what’s up with your account!