Urgent Request for Resolution – No Internet Service Since Speed Upgrade

  • 20 March 2024
  • 12 reacties
  • 162 Bekeken


I am writing to express my extreme frustration and demand immediate action regarding my ongoing internet outage. Since upgrading my speed from 1Gbps to 2Gbps on February 18th, I have been without internet service.

Despite receiving a new modem from Odido and scheduling an installation with Guidion, the issue remains unresolved. Multiple technicians from both Guidion and KPN have inspected the situation without success, resulting in conflicting diagnoses and no solution. Odido's customer service has provided inconsistent information and varying resolution timelines, further exacerbating the frustration.

Specific issues include:

  • Conflicting diagnoses from technicians about whether the problem lies with Odido or KPN.
  • Inconsistent statements about damaged cables versus issues with the central switch.
  • Difficulty locating a free port during the KPN technician visit.
  • Threats to charge for remaining contract months if cancellation is requested.
  • Lack of escalation paths within customer service.

I demand a permanent solution before March 22nd, 2024. If Odido cannot provide the service I'm paying for, I expect the contract to be canceled without penalty and an apology for the extended inconvenience. This situation is unacceptable, and I urge Odido to demonstrate empathy and competence in resolving this matter.

Tommie van Odido 4 maanden geleden

Hey @Bearen, welcome to our Community!

It's great that you've created a topic about this. I want to ensure that you get online as soon as possible. Therefore, I have checked and found that the latest technician has created a ticket for our Back Office. KPN NetwerkNL has indicated that the distribution cable is damaged. It cannot be replaced because it is permanently welded into the cassette. Now we need to discuss the next steps with KPN NetwerkNL. I cannot say for certain how long this will take to resolve. It is unlikely to be resolved by tomorrow. I sincerely hope that we can resolve this issue quickly and effectively for you. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.


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12 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hey @Bearen, welcome to our Community!

It's great that you've created a topic about this. I want to ensure that you get online as soon as possible. Therefore, I have checked and found that the latest technician has created a ticket for our Back Office. KPN NetwerkNL has indicated that the distribution cable is damaged. It cannot be replaced because it is permanently welded into the cassette. Now we need to discuss the next steps with KPN NetwerkNL. I cannot say for certain how long this will take to resolve. It is unlikely to be resolved by tomorrow. I sincerely hope that we can resolve this issue quickly and effectively for you. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.


Hi Tommie,

I trust the intention is good here. Despite multiple visits from technicians, it appears that the root cause  was only identified after a month. This has left me without a reliable internet service, which is highly inconvenient.

When I was using the 1Gbps service, everything was functioning smoothly. However, since being moved to a different port for the 2Gbps service, I have not received the internet. I am puzzled as to why the functionality of this new port was not verified prior to the switch.

Given the circumstances, I kindly request your assistance in expediting the resolution of this matter. Could you arrange for a representative from Odido to contact me before 5PM today, providing a definitive date for the repair? I would greatly appreciate your assurance that the issue will indeed be resolved by this proposed date.

If this is not feasible, I believe it would be in our best interests to initiate the cancellation process. This should include a refund for the period during which I was without the service I am paying for.

As a loyal customer of Odido/T-mobile for the past 8 years, I am disappointed to find myself contemplating this course of action. However, I trust you understand the necessity of having a reliable internet service. If Odido is unable to provide this, I will have no choice but to seek an alternative provider.

Hi Tommie,

I interpret this as the final step in the cancellation process. I appreciate your support throughout this journey.


It’s quite surprising to learn that I’ll need to wait an additional six weeks for the cancellation to be processed. It’s a bit challenging, Odido, as this extends the period without internet to three months...

Reputatie 6
Badge +3

Hi @Bearen, I see that your cancellation has now been passed on and processed. In any case, my sincere apologies for this experience, I hope we have shown you that we do our utmost, but sometimes we are dependent on other parties, which prevents us from taking more action. Thank you for the years with us as a loyal customer, we really appreciate this. Hopefully we can welcome you again in the future! 💜 Greetings, Ishana

Hi Ishana,

It is unfortunate to write this and I cannot agree with what you wrote above. The cancellation has neither processed nor passed on due to another issue with the Odido system. I also don't understand why cancellation should depended on a system that is not somehow functioning more than a week. Shouldn't you have alternative solutions? Why should all these become a customer's concern? No internet for 1.5months and not able cancel the subscription more than a week...


Can my subscription be cancelled by today (25/03/2024) please? 

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hey @Bearen, there are some obstructions in the system. A ticket has been created for you to cancel the contract as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience. 

Hi Tommie,

I've encountered significant challenges with both the internet connection and the process of addressing this issue. It seems that there are obstacles not only in resolving the connectivity problem but also in finding a satisfactory resolution, such as contract cancellation.

This situation has left me wondering about the message it sends to current and potential Odido customers regarding the reliability and customer service commitment of Odido. Adding to my concern, I've just received the latest invoice for the internet service which is not even being provided over a month, which amplifies my frustration more given the unresolved issues.

The continuous nature of this problem has become exceedingly tiring and frustrating.

No internet, no cancellation, no communication...

Today, what really caught me off guard was when Odido customer care refused to issue vouchers because we chose to cancel our Internet subscription alone. They claimed we're no longer considered Odido customers despite having three active mobile subscriptions and two phone subscriptions. Not addressing the issues is one thing, but treating customers in this manner is completely unacceptable. It's important to understand that actions like these can severely damage Odido's reputation in an unrecoverable way. Frankly, this has shattered our trust entirely.

Reputatie 7
Badge +14

The unlimited mobile vouchers are mend to overcome the period of aan error and can be seen as an extra service for it's customers.  The period of downtime is credited , so this is a free service.

When a customer does not want to wait any longer,  and i can imagine that after a months of downtime, the customer will not be held to it's contract term and no cancellation fee will he charged. But there it ends, you are free to call another provider to have a new subscription or upgrade your mobile subscription to unlimited.  Of course,  that is not free of charge, but you have no costs for fixed internet anymore.

Hi Eric,

Could you please cancel it first, and then perhaps offer guidance to your customers? Thank you.
