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Hello , 

on June 21st, I placed an order for T Mobile Thuis DSL. I mistakenly entered my address as K 13 instead of the correct address, which is K-10. Additionally, on June 26th, I received the installation package, but it did not contain the DSL cable. There were two green cables in the package, with one labeled "phone," but there was no label on the other one. On June 29th, there was an update indicating that installation could be done, so I tried setting up the modem today, but I still don't have an internet connection. Thank you in advance.

Hello @MFurkanKaya 

You can use the green cable instead.

Do you live in a house divided in a few appsrtments? Are both K13 and K10 there and your appartment is K10?

Does every appartment have it's own DSL connection point or is there just one outside in the hall somewhere?

Hello @Waqqas 

Thank you for the clarification. I actually physically moved into my apartment just 2 days ago, and the apartment contract is also in my father's name. In the contract, our address is listed as K-13, so I placed the order for K-13 to have internet service when I physically moved into the apartment. However, the number on my mailbox reads 013-K10, and when I checked MijnOverheid, my address is listed as K-10. In the apartment building, there is a shared internet available under the name of the building, but it has limited coverage, and people have opted for their own DSL internet services. Also Furthermore, even though I have received my installation package, the order status still shows "Bestelling onderweg en installeren Je Installatiepakket is onderweg en wordt zo snel mogelijk bezorgd"  What should I do about this?


Once the modem is installed and working, the status will get updated.

But do you mean that every appartment has their own DSL connection point?


Hi @MFurkanKaya, thanks for the extensive information, this definitely seems like a confusing situation! I immediately wanted to move the adres for you, but it seems very complex. Currently you requested a subscription for house number 1 addition K13. However, your mailbox reads 013-K10? So is it house number 1 or 13?

I looked through all the possibilities, and there seem to be quite a lot

For house number 1:

  • K10
  • K13
  • K013

For house number 13:

  • K13

So I suppose your house number is 1 with addition 013-K10?

Could you check what your direct neighbor has given as an address to their internet provider? This will give you the best and fastest answer to this mystery.

I am curious to hear what the situation is like or if you know which addition to pick!


Once the modem is installed and working, the status will get updated.

But do you mean that every appartment has their own DSL connection point?


Dear @Waqqas ,

Yes, that's correct .(I think) Everyone in the apartment has a DSL connection point like In the picture you shared, I also have one of those boxes in my house. As an update, today a technician from Guidion came and couldn't find the issue and I mentioned that the problem might be an address mix-up, and he took note of it and said they would contact me.

Hi @MFurkanKaya, thanks for the extensive information, this definitely seems like a confusing situation! I immediately wanted to move the adres for you, but it seems very complex. Currently you requested a subscription for house number 1 addition K13. However, your mailbox reads 013-K10? So is it house number 1 or 13?

I looked through all the possibilities, and there seem to be quite a lot

For house number 1:

  • K10
  • K13
  • K013

For house number 13:

  • K13

So I suppose your house number is 1 with addition 013-K10?

Could you check what your direct neighbor has given as an address to their internet provider? This will give you the best and fastest answer to this mystery.

I am curious to hear what the situation is like or if you know which addition to pick!

Hi @Cal ,

Thank you for your assistance. The housing company requested a re-signing of the contract due to an error in one of the signatures between my father and the signatures on the contract (I suspect it might be related to an address error, but I can't say for certain)

. As I mentioned earlier, I had ordered the T-Mobile Thuis DSL service before physically moving into this house so that we wouldn't encounter any issues with internet connectivity upon moving in. That's why I used the address stated in the contract.

Our apartment building is an old nursing home, which I believe is the reason for the discrepancy between the numbers on the doors and the house letters/numbers on the mailboxes. For instance, the apartment labeled as K13 (Kamer 13) has 101/K13 written on the door (the same on the mailbox), while my apartment has only 13 written on it, and my mailbox says 013/K10. My official address is XXXXXXXXXX So, I suppose 013 only represents the number in apartment and is not related to the postal code. I apologize if I exceeded the boundaries of personal data privacy laws.

Actually, it's a simple matter. It seems that someone made a mistake and confused our apartment number with the additional information that should have been written. But you're right, we need to talk to our neighbor to clarify the situation.


I hope I could shed some light on the situation for you, even if it was just a little bit :D


Moderator Edit: It is not wise to share personal data online. 

Hi @MFurkanKaya, thanks for the clear explanation. I see they sent a technician from KPN NetwerkNL for this. If it still doesn't work out, then you should terminate the contract and put in a new order. I can't place a new order for you, you will need to call this phone number: 0800-0419 T-Mobile Sales. Let's first wait for KPN NetwerkNL, if this doesn't work I advise you to call this phone number. They can also terminate your current contract and immediately place a new one. Your current equipment will have to be returned.

Hi @Tommie and the other Writers, 

I'm really exhausted now. You can't even fix a simple mistake (which isn't even my fault). I've been waiting for someone to fix this simple mistake for 11 days, but enough is enough. Yesterday, I received a message from Kpn saying that a technician would come to my house, and I didn't leave my home, but no one came. Instead, I received a message stating that an appointment was scheduled for my old incorrect address, K13, and that I could change the appointment date. I waited all day in vain. Please just change my address or help me to cancel. It shouldn't be so difficult to fix this issue. I've been without internet at my home for weeks I cant study I cant do anything.





Hi @MFurkanKaya, I checked it right away! Your subscription has already been canceled and you have requested a new one. Great that this is arranged, have a nice weekend! 😊 Greetings, Ishana

Hi @Ishana and the other writers,

Thank you for checking. The day you checked, I also called customer service, explained my situation, and as you know, they opened a new subscription to me, and I even got my modem about 3 days ago, but I still can't view my new subscription on t-mobile and I don't know when the connection will be made to my address.Is it waiting for me to return my old modem first ?  Also, the customer services told me that they would change my address, but still the same wrong address(K13) appears on my T mobile account. Is there any problem here ?

Hi @MFurkanKaya, I have immediately taken a look for you, and I see that the My T-Mobile account you are logging into is still connected to the old subscription. This is why you don't see the correct information. You don't have to worry: I have deleted the old incorrect account for you. All you have to do now is apply for a completely new My T-Mobile account on our website. This way the new account will be automatically connected to the correct subscription and you will be able to see all the right information again! 😄

Hi @Nora and the other dear writers.

Thanks for looking, as you said, my account was canceled and I reopened it from the same e-mail. But it still shows the same address and the wrong address and I still can't view my new subscription. So… Nothing has changed I guess . Should i have use another e mail ?


Hi @MFurkanKaya, thanks for getting back to us! I immediately went ahead and changed the email address of your old account, which is means that it will no longer connect to your current account. Could you please add your new T-Mobile voor thuis subscription via the following link: Abonnement toevoegen.

I am sure that you will soon have full access to your account! 😃

Hi @Cal and the other dear writers,

Thank you for your efforts, but unfortunately There is always some problems that cause me to not reach internet fo 35 days . When I tried to register my phone number (that starts with 06844xxx60), which was linked to my old t mobile account that you changed my e-mail to, to my new account. I get the message '' Dit abonnement is al gekoppeld aan een ander My T-Mobile account. Wil je het abonnement liever koppelen aan je dit My T-Mobile account? Ontkoppel het abonnement dan eerst uit je bestaande account, voordat je de koppeling maakt met dit account.'' And also my new account tells me that I can install T-mobile thuis on July 18th, so I should already be able to install it, but when I connect my modem to the ISRA point I can't even connect to the Internet. And there is no problem with my home address. I wonder what is the problem this time. Please 1) Connect my phone subscription to my new account. 2) Please help me why I can't connect to the internet this time even though everything is fine as far as I know. 3-) Finally, when I download my contract in my T mobile account, my name is only M Kaya, which is not my full name, is there a problem here?

Hi @MFurkanKaya, good of you to raise the alarm for this. To answer all of your questions:


1) Connect my phone subscription to my new account.

I have just removed the old link from your mobile subscription. You should now be able to click on "I have another subscription" and then you should be able to link it.


2) Please help me why I can't connect to the internet this time even though everything is fine as far as I know. 

You say "my modem", is this our Zyxel modem? If not, the Zyxel needs to be connected before the internet is reported active.


3-) Finally, when I download my contract in my T mobile account, my name is only M Kaya, which is not my full name, is there a problem here?

This is more common that not the full name is not indicated. This is how you are registered in our system and there are no issues with that otherwise.

Hi @Tommie and the other dear writers,

Thank you for respond,

1-) Thanks to you ! I can see my mobile subsription.

2-)Yes its yours , Zyxel T-54 , and how can i do that ? 

3-) I see, great then.

Hey @MFurkanKaya, I'm glad to hear you managed to link your mobile subscription! I have just sent a remote mechanic. You will receive a message to schedule an online appointment with the mechanic, the mechanic will then help you with the installation process online. Should a mechanic have to physically come by, the mechanic will follow this up for you. Hopefully you'll be online as soon as possible! 
