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Hi, I received a Klik en Klaar internet and for that I was loaned a NR5307 modem. The wifi signal is strong but somehow it keeps switching my TV to 2.4GHz which is almost unusable for streaming any content.

Speedtest on my TV shows 6Mbps down/0.59Mbps up, while on my phone it shows 500Mbps down/30Mbps up. After some investigation, turns out my TV got connected to 2.4GHz band but even then, it should not be this slow given the signal strength is good (the modem placed literally 2m from the TV). Screenshot from the modem portal:


Checking Steering status, it shows the router made multiple attempts to steer my TV from 5GHz to 2.4GHz. Any idea how I can enforce 5GHz for my TV? It is a bit ridiculous that my dishwasher has better internet connection but not my TV.

Plus I did not have this problem with TPLink Deco before. Now that I want to replace them for a supposed to be better Wifi router, this issue is annoying.

Hi ​@khanh, I would like to investigate this for you! Could you add your zip code, house number, date of birth and the last four digits of your bank account number to your profile? Then I can get started right away! Greetings, Ishana

Hi Ishana, that is just one issue. After a few days of using wifi from the modem, I got more issues:

  • After some time, my apple devices (macbooks, iphones) are not able to connect to the wifi anymore. Sometimes it just can’t connect with different error messages like (connection timeout, “This network is operating on Wi-Fi channels in use by several other networks”).
  • Other times my devices get connected for a few seconds and then disconnected and keep doing that.

For now I turn off the wifi from the modem and add another access point to its LAN port and it works better. I will do as you tell and start putting some of my devices on the modem wifi then. 

Hi ​@Ishana van Odido , have you had a chance to investigate my modem? It is still performing very badly on my TV.

Hey ​@khanh, with the current firmware, it is true that devices are being sent to the 2.4GHz band faster than they should be. I suspect that's why your TV only connects to the 2.4GHz band. This is much better in the new firmware, but it is not quite ready for prime time. There are still a few things that need to be tweaked before it is rolled out. Hopefully you will see a difference with the new update! 

@Tommie van Odido thank you for the info. Do you have any idea when that would be and where I can subscribe to the update. For now I will just turn the wifi off and return the wifi plus devices sadly.

There are still a few bugs in the new firmware at the moment, but when it is ready it will be automatically sent to all modems ​@khanh. I don't think it will be long now.
