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It’s been more than 2 weeks now and I have not recieved my installation package till yet. 29 December is the installation date and without the package I can not acces the interent. I need the Internet urgently as I moved to new apartment and due to lock down I have to work from home.. Please treat this as URGENT!!

Hi @vinaykapoor9, I'm very happy to see that you received the package on the 29th and that you have been using our internet ever since. Sorry for the delay. PostNL has had our package since the 21st, but their delivery time has been slow to say the least during the Holidays. Christmas was unbelievably busy this year, and hopefully their delivery times will quickly recover.

I noticed slight instability on your internet line. Could you check if there are multiple connection points in your house? If there is one, usually the one near the fuse box works best. Please let me know if there is anything else, and I'll certainly try to solve it for you. For now, I would like to wish you a lot of fun with our internet and have a great 2021!

Hi Cal,

Happy New year.

Yes you are right, Internet connectivity is not stable and It got disconnected at the time I was writing this reply 😞. I checked and could not find any multiple connections in my house. There is only one connection where I have connected the DSL wire.

Can you please get this issue fixed asap as from next week, I need to start working from Home due to lock down (and holidays are over).


Thanks for your help.


Vinay Kapoor


Hi Vinay, thanks for getting back to the Community! I have a slight suspicion that your connection point is the cause for the trouble. The connection seems to have stabilized in the last 36 hours, but I will open a montering process just to be sure and to keep a check on it. 

If the connection remains stable, please do not touch the connection point. In the event that the instability resurges, I would like you to try something with the connection point. I do not know which variant you have in your house, but if you have got the variant connectable via a 4-pin adapter, please unscrew the cover and place a picture of the inside of the connection point in this topic.

In the meantime I'll also keep an eye on your connection, and this issue is likely solved soon!



Hi Vinay, I'm happy to see that your connection has remained stable, and that you can enjoy our internet without disruption. If there's anything else, please feel free to let the Community and I know. Let's make 2021 a great year!
