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Signed Mobile and Thuis, but Thuis not available for 7 months now / Klantvordeel

  • 25 October 2021
  • 1 reactie
  • 60 Bekeken

Dear T-Mobile Team,

I moved to Enschede in March, and on the 17 March 2021 I was offered two contracts in the T-Mobile Store in Enschede, one Unlimited for my mobile phone, and one for the Internet Premium 1000MB/s glasvezel for thuis. The guy in the shop told me that it would take 10-14 weeks to get the glasvezel, which I agreed to. He promised me that I would then be able to get the Klantvordeel of 10€. Under these preconditions and information that was given to me (10-14 weeks until I get thuis connection and the klantvordeel), I signed both contracts.

I then arranged for a temporary solution for my home internet for those supposed 10-14 weeks, which was more expensive because I could terminate it monthly, and waited.

While the mobile connection was set up quickly, until today (October 25, 2021, so more than 7 months latere!]) I do not have a glasvezel connection from T-Mobile.

I called the customer service on 19 July because of this already. Back then I was granted the klantvordeel, because I still had the T-Mobile thuis contract waiting, and being on hold. This solved my mobile phone problem of paying more than I was promised in the shop. So temporarily, I was happy. Yet, the thuis problem still persisted. So I canceled the thuis contract, and went to a different provider, to get proper internet with good speed for home work and online conferences etc from them, since T-Mobile was simply not able to deliver. KPN network said that for my home, it is planned to get glasvezel within the next 12 months. This is also still the case if you check for my address today on their website. I canceled the T-mobile thuis because otherwise at one point in time, I would have ended up with two contracts running at the same time.

Now, apparently because of my cancellation of the thuis contract, T-Mobile also removed the klantvordeel from my mobile phone contract last week. I was informed about this by SMS on 18 October. So I now have to pay more again for my mobile phone contract.

Honestly, I really feel tricked. Not only did I not get the glasvezel thuis connection, but also because of this I do not get the klantvordeel, and therefore have to pay more for my mobile phone contract than I was promised in the shop. And all of this simply because I was misinformed by T-Mobile while I signed the contracts, and T-Mobile is not able to deliver on the promises they made back then. If I would have been given the correct information back then, I would never have signed both these contracts in the first place.

Now I called T-Mobile customer service today. Apparently they cannot reinstate my klantvordeel, because I have no thuis contract anymore. When I asked whether I could get out of the mobile phone contract now, in order to transfer to another provider and get a customer discount there, I was told that this was possible in principle. Downside: I would have to pay a one-time payment of 30,14€/38,56€ (depending on who is answering the phone on the line, apparently) for ending the mobile contract on 25 November (one month from today).

Apparently there are also no supervisors available on the phone line who can help with that.

So, again, I really feel tricked!

I signed both these contracts simply under false information, and now would either like to get at least the klantvordeel again on my still ongoing mobile phone contract, or get out of that mobile phone contract as well without having to pay for it even. This would just be ridiculous, because the error is simply not on my side. Waiting for the glasvezel to be installed is simply no option (up to 12 months, and then possibly ending up with two running contracts from different providers, because I have to bridge the time until then).

I really hope you can help me, because so far my experience with T-Mobile in this case is really bad. I do not want to get a lawyer involved here, but honestly, I am thinking about it if this cannot be solved otherwise. Again, if I would have been given the correct information in March, I would never have signed either of the contracts.

Thank you in advance and kind regards



Hi Benjamin,

Very unfortunate to read that you’re having a bad experience with our brand after signing those contracts.

I wish I could help in some other way then my colleague of the customer service already offered you, but unfortunately I cannot. T-Mobile Klantvoordeel is a discount which can be only given when there are two (or more) services of T-Mobile in one household. Since the contract for T-Mobile Thuis has been cancelled, which I can understand, the discount for the T-Mobile Mobile service is automatically terminated and can no longer be given until a second service is added again. 

For an early termination there are always costs involved, but I’m not sure why two different prices have been given to you. If you want me to check which amount is correct, please send me a private message with your phone number, full address, date of birth and last four digits of your bank account info. I’ll then get back to you as soon as possible!