Internet is down for almost 2 weeks, and there's no fix in sight. Is there anything I can do to cancel my internet or get compensation if Odido is not getting it fixed at all? I have an odido mobile and internet contract. Called Odido EVERY DAY since it first went down and still not fixed.
Long story:
- 03 Apr: internet down
- 04 Apr: called in for service. possible ONT device failure.
- 05 Apr: made appointment for Guidion to come down
- 06 Apr: Guidion technician troubleshoots, replaces ONT device, and concludes it's not an on-site hardware problem. The connection needs to be fixed at the wijkcentrum by KPN/Reggefiber.
-08 Apr: Called Odido to check. Ticket sent to KPN, should be working on it. CS advised that they may call or may try to fix it without entering the customer's house.
-09 Apr: Called Odido to check on status. No updates.
-10 Apr: Called Odido to check on status. Apparently they've been calling me but no answer. Not possible, since I've been checking my phone and got no missed calls. I have an Odido number, so what's wrong? Turns out they've been calling a different number (why???). Also, no one would have informed me if I didn't call to check. No problem, I have them correct the number to my Odido number WHICH I have on file and I've been calling them with. New ticket created, with same details. They should call back Thursday, latest Friday.
- 11 Apr: Called Odido again to check. No update. Asked to be patient on call back.
- 12 Apr: Called Odido again to check. No update. CS mentioned it's strange because no service should be a priority ticket and they should have responded within 1 business day. CS gave hope that sometimes they may fix it directly at the wijkcentrum, could happen over the weekend.
- 13/14 Apr: Not fixed.
- 15 Apr: Called Odido again to check in the morning. (1st time) No update, maybe they will call me later today.
(2nd time) Called Odido again in the afternoon. CS tells me, actually it was reported on 11 Apr that they tried to call me but couldn't reach me. Not possible, I checked my records and was by the phone waiting for the call. OH, turns out, they put the wrong number down AGAIN (wtf?!) and so I could not be contacted. OK, he contacted the backoffice to contact Reggefiber, assured me this was high priority and that they will call me back shortly before the end of the day WITH THE CORRECT NUMBER.
(3rd time) Called Odido again in the evening. Why did I not get a call that was promised? Confusion. I got the number to contact Reggefiber directly but apparently they don't like customers to contact them and apparently "KPN is Odido's competitor, so might be difficult". Anyway, here I am at my wit's end.
All I got so far is some 7-day internet bundles. Not helping. My new phone is dying acting as a modem for the whole house for more than 10 days.
Almost two weeks and I can't get my internet fixed because...Odido can't get my Odido phone number right? I was patient the first time it was wrong, but after 2 more rounds, it's simply unacceptable.
Isn't there a service level agreement somewhere on fixing a service that is down? My understanding is a 24-hr turnaround action time.
Picture of the problem here. Maybe it's a problem you can diagnose or fix better than Odido can.