Any help is appreciated. Thanks..
Hi @stereolove35, thanks for reaching out and sorry for the confusion, I would have loved if you could have moved your current subscription. However, we cannot make changes to your subscription anymore if we get a transfer request from a different provider. We could refute their transfer request if it was a mistake, but because the new tenant will live there the transfer is seen as ‘justified’ by the network operator. Thus, the best thing you can do is to order a new subscription. You can order a new subscription on our website, in one of our stores, or by calling us on 0800-0092. Today our sales colleagues are available until 17:30 and on workdays they are available between 9:00-20:00.
Feel free to post any other questions that you might have, I would love to clarify them for you!
Thank you so much, @Cal van Odido I will order a new subscription, but I’ve never gotten any confirmation email to return my modem + other devices, could you please take a look?
Sorry for the late response!
Happy to help you out @stereolove35!
Because the request to take over your internet line was submitted by someone else we will send you a DHL return QR code once they have definitively taken over your internetline on the 11th of December. We will send you the DHL QR code per email on the 11th and it will also appear in your Mijn Odido account on the 11th on this page: Mijn Odido DHL QR code.
I hope that your moving process is coming along well and enjoy your Sunday!
Hey Cal,
Hope you’re doing great! Thanks for the help. I’m keeping my eye on the mailbox. I also applied a new subscription for my home, but there is no update so far. The earliest setting up date was 6dec. Could you please confirm that everything alright with my new subscription? I don’t have an access to track the status
I just checked and everything is looking fine with your new order for glasvezel! @stereolove35
Hey Tommie! @Tommie van Odido
thanks for checking out. When can I get ETA for the installation? Thanks again!!
Thanks Tommie, I’ve created the appointment, the only missing thing is Odido installation box delivery which includes modem etc.
Do we have an ETA for it?
Hi @stereolove35 I wanted to immediately contact Guidion for you but I am very happy to see that they've contacted you this morning and that you will have an appointment with them very soon. I will also make sure that the installation package is send out as soon as possible. I suspect that you will receive a DHL Track & Trace code from us tomorrow. Feel free to let us know if there's anything else.
For now the process is going great and I want to wish you a lot of luck with moving! 
Hey @Cal van Odido
Good afternoon,
Thanks a lot for taking care of it quickly.
Yes, I got an appointment for 6December.
Hopefully the DHL delivery will goes well,
I will let you know if I need more help, for now, I’m good.
have a nice weekend ahead!
Hey @Cal van Odido,
I still don’t have any post from DHL for my new subscription. Could you please assist? Thanks a lot!
Hi @stereolove35, I went to check for you immediately. The installation package will arrive today between 14:00 - 18:00 hours! I have send you your shipment number in a private message.
Hey Tommie and Cal,
thanks a lot for everything, I have my connection in order and I sent back the old devices yesterday
Now my only issue is I lose my customer benefit.
somehow I cannot change my address of my mobile phone to the my current address which my home internet installed.
how we can move forward on this? @Tommie van Odido @Cal van Odido
Hey @stereolove35, we only do Internet + TV. Could you open a new topic in the right categorie: Mobiel? Then one of my mobile colleagues will take it over. Thanks!
Hey @Tommie van Odido and @Cal van Odido sorry to bother you again, but it seems like there is some kind of issue with my returning equipment delivery to Odido,
I got an email that assumes I only returned the modem, but it’s wrong. I also returned the wifi punt. Could you please check it for me? Much appreciated
False alarm:) it looks like it’s resolved now.