I did not receive any modem or new device. I cannot see where the device was left. No one came to my house for any work. No one dug in the street. No cable was drawn to my house. There is no fiber cable in my house.
best regards

I did not receive any modem or new device. I cannot see where the device was left. No one came to my house for any work. No one dug in the street. No cable was drawn to my house. There is no fiber cable in my house.
best regards
I am not currently receiving fiber internet service from you and I do not accept this fee. Please provide service at the new price after all installations are completed and my new device is delivered to me.
Please know that the billing for this new subscription won't start until the modem is online and you are using our internet!
Hello, thank you for your quick response. I don't see any tracking number. If there is a shipping number, can you please share it with me? Also, can I use a static IP address for the internet service I receive?
I see that we have sent the request to send your package to our distribution center. However, this has not been sent out to you yet. As soon as this happens (I expect at the beginning of next week) you’ll also receive the tracking code.
Please let me know if there is anything else I can help you with. I’m always happy to do so!
Hello, thank you for your quick response. The company we have an agreement with for fiber optic installation will visit my home on Tuesday, October 22. However, the device has not reached me yet. In fact, there is no information that it is on its way yet. Will the company be able to install the fiber optic before the devices reach me?
When Open Dutch Fiber has done the patch, we will send you a message, letting you know you can make a appointment with Guidion. In this message there is a link to make an appointment with. Hopefully then you will know when the package will arrive and you can plan a appointment with Guidion accordingly. Thank you for your patience!
I waited all day for the team to come. But they didn't. I called at 14:45. They said they would send the team. I called again at 16:30. They said the team was coming. But they didn't come. Now the team called and said they would come tomorrow. I explained that I was working during the day. They told me they would come at 17:00 in the evening. I took the day off work today and lost a day's pay. This is a great injustice to me. I think it's all about the team not coming voluntarily. I'm very sorry and aggrieved. I want compensation for my damages. Appointments are not a joke. We live in a state of law. I demand compensation for my damages by your company.
Hello, They came today. But they left without doing anything. They had an appointment with number 40 on Friday. They said they would do 3 apartments at the same time on Friday. They said they couldn't do it any other way. I need to get permission again on Friday. I am truly in shock. Such rudeness cannot be. ODIDO should compensate me for my 500€ financial loss and my moral damage for the stress I experienced. Have your legal department reach me via e-mail. I have never been subjected to such disrespect before. I am psychologically devastated. They are making fun of me. If they had told me from the beginning that they would come on Friday, I would not have taken permission for Tuesday and Wednesday. I could be fired from the company I work for. I demand compensation for my material and moral damages. I am serious. Have your legal department reach me.
best regards.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention
It appears there was a miscommunication regarding the scheduling, and I regret to inform you that the issue stems from our partner, ODF, and their coordination process. I understand that you took time off for this, but unfortunately we are unable to offer compensation for those days.
Hello, Fiber connection is complete. I installed the device you sent. The installation is done. Now I'm just waiting for you to activate it. The red light is flashing.
Thank you.
If ODF still needs to stop by to push your order and activate the line, you can also contact them to make a new appointment. You can call them on this number: 088-1633633.
Hopefully after this you can enjoy the fiber soon!
Is there anyone there? Can I use a STATIC IP ADDRESS? How can I apply for this?
I don't need any installation support. All I need now is for you to check the signal strength. The modem is on. Please check.
I am interested in IT. I wrote you the cables I use. Cat 8.1 (2000mhz + 40 Gigabit/second). I have previously received Odido fiber service and installed it myself. Now I know how to connect it.
Thank you.
Hello, by the way, are they going to leave this place like this? The lid is open. They sent me a message saying they will come back on Monday and fix this lid, but they didn't come. Why am I taking 4 days off for you? Every day is a waste of money for me.
If you make a municipality appointment today and don't go, you are fined financially.
Don't we citizens have rights?
I will discuss this issue with a lawyer. I will find out if I can claim material and moral compensation from your company. Or if you wish, you can make me an offer.
Because this is an injustice done to me. I don't want an apology. I want you to do your job right and I want my damages to be compensated.
best regards
Can I use a STATIC IP ADDRESS? How can I apply for this? Why can't I get an answer to this question?
Can I use a STATIC IP ADDRESS? How can I apply for this? Why can't I get an answer to this question?
There is no option for a fixed IP adres with consumer internet connections.
Hello, all products were sent complete and in working condition.
I would like to ask that the order be marked as completed.
Please test the signal strength. The modem is on and the system is working. But the speed is getting worse every day.
(Terabits per second transmission is possible when the correct wavelengths of light are used with a single fiber cable. But I can never get enough speed with my 8 Gbit package. I lose 30%-60% speed. I am using an Asus proart x870e motherboard, a 10 gigabit ethernet port and a Cat 8.1 2000mhz 40 gigabit cable.)
Best Regards
We don't offer static IP address for individual packages, this is only possible with a business subscription. The max speed for business subscriptions have a maximum of 1Gbit/s. We only offer higher speed for the individual subscriptions. You can find more information about a business subscription on our website: Zakelijk Internet: Snel en stabiel online | Odido Business.
If you still have questions, please don't hesitate to ask. We're here for you!
Hello, I hope you are well. Thank you very much for your quick response and attention. Could you please ask your senior managers to improve your Corporate plans? 1 gigabit speed is no longer enough for corporate. It is too slow. Or could you please forward my Static IP request for individual accounts to the senior managers? If necessary, we can pay 3-5 € more.
My internet connection is still very slow. I turned off all devices. I reset the modem to factory settings. But the network speed has not changed at all. I can't go over 3 gigabits even with only 1 PC connected.
Is the problem with the speedtest.net servers? Isn't there a place where I can test 8 gigabits? Even with Google speed test, I could not go over 4 gigabits so far. I could not see my connection speed exactly on any site.
Can you assign a technician?
By the way, can I apply for fiber again with my corporate membership? Can you pull a 2nd fiber cable? :)
best regards
We don't do business customers on the Community
What type of computer and cable are you testing this with? Are they compatible with 8Gb?
Hello, you can also access the messages I have mentioned more than once from above.
(Terabits per second transmission is possible when the correct wavelengths of light are used with a single fiber cable. But I can never get enough speed with my 8 Gbit package. I lose 30%-75% speed. I am using an Asus proart x870e motherboard, a 10 gigabit ethernet port and a Cat 8.1 2000mhz 40 gigabit cable.)
best regards
I directed Guidion for you
hi, thanks. Coming
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