After speaking to the T-Mobile customer service and resolving case number XXXX, we were asked to make a forum entry for further assistances.
My name is Tuan who are submitting this on behalf of the Support team at 24i. 24i (24i) has among many apps also for NPO ( , and we are currently having issues for customers of T-mobile home internet users.What we are seeing, is that either immediately or about after 10 minutes of watching, the error message “Currently unavailable” and the stream stops playing , or the video will not start at all.
The complaints come from users on the SmartTV platform.
We have had our stream provider investigate, and for them they do not see any issues on their end. We also looked in our logs and we do not see any app errors, which is why we reach out to you.With the information below, I hope you might be able to investigate on your side if there might be some routing issues or errors which might impact retrieving the manifest through the T-Mobile network.
I am able to submit IP address and date/time when the end users played a stream.
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