Hello ans thank you in advance For your help.
I switched internet provider from Lombokxnet to T-Mobile.
Therefore, I changed the modem this morning but it seems I’m facing issues.
What I did:
- Plug the modem to electricity. Start the modem.
i have indeed greens lights on

- I connected my iPhone and iPad to the network. Login and password are correct. Unfortunately, I got the message “no internet connection”
I must have done something wrong or bad. My guess is that I did not setup the DSL cable?
it seems that it is different from my previous internet provider where I just had to connect the cable.

But T-Mobile is asking me something different right?
I can see this cable coming from the ground, is that one in need to plug for DSL ? Grey with colored wires.

last but not least, I don’t have DSL cable as mentioned in the documentation. Should it be included in the modem box or should I buy it myself?
Thank you for your infinite and grateful help.