Hello everyone!
Wanted to ask is it normall in Odido that their router is spamming network and trying to renew address every 15min? I was contacting via phone but unfortunately I wasn't understood by support, today service guy came to connect everything but I already did it myself (our street was connected in past two months) and he couldn't help me with this also.
That’s how log file looks, DHCP server renewing IP address every 15min. Still he keeps the same IP

Can’t it be like at least every 2h? Or in best scenario every 12h-24h? Or is it related that street was lately connected so they did it for service guys if they need to use other IP then assigned at the moment?
Just wonder is there a way to contact technicall support and talk with someone who can change settings?
Is there impact of this behavior? Yes, there is potential drop of 7% packets at moment when he try renew IP - so every 15min. It’s not a big deal, normal using internet there is no impact but only when you monitor network you can see this drop.
I notice when I was setting QOS and testing speeds, then I checked router and on chart I could see drop also