
Invoice check

  • 28 October 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 52 Bekeken

After merger with Tele2 my account was lost because I had an T-mobile account on the same email address. I chose to keep only the T-mobile account as I changed also my mobile provider anyway. Now I’m still getting charged and I can’t even check the invoices. My mobiele subscription ended 14th September and along with the last invoice for September I was charged twice more for unknown services when amounts are similar to full month subscriptions + extra. I would like to receive some contact from the customer service other then phone call which is waste of time in my case.


Beste antwoord door Hajar van Odido 30 October 2023, 12:13

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @RLSpyra 

I would like to look into this. Can you send me a private message with your 06-number, name, birth-date, full address and the last 4 numbers of your IBAN? I will check your invoice and give you more information. 
