My Revolut Euro-denominated IBAN LT89 3250…. is a valid account that supports SEPA payments.
I am trying to enter into a contract for SIM card using web-site During the filling the personal details for my order I faced with the problem that is not possible to enter my IBAN because it is allowed there to enter only NL IBAN in the form. Moreover, the tooltip window on the web-site says “Dit rekeningnummer wordt gebruikt voor de maandelijkse incasso van je abonnement. Heb je een buitenlands IBAN nummer, dan helpen we je graag in een T-Mobile Shop”. So I came to the shop twice (30th June and 4th June) and both times manager could not help us because the system didn’t allow to enter my IBAN. The T-Mobile Shop’s address is Kerkstraat 33, 1211 CL Hilversum.
Please authorise my details in your systems to allow direct debits and credit transfers to my account. IBAN discrimination is a violation of Article 9 of the SEPA Regulation and refusal to comply will be reported to The Netherlands Authority for Consumers åand Markets.
Kind Regards, Slava P.