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I have received one from T-Mobile which says I will be available on Oct. 4th, 2018. However, when I tried to use Internet today. It shows error code 8180 when I tried to open my web page. I am quite annoying by the error code which showed up one year before as well. Could someone help on it ????
Exactly the same here!!!

bij mij precies hetzelfde: mail van T-mobile dat internet beschikbaar is op 4 okt. Na installatie van de wifirouter (echt geen rocket science!) blijft de cable errorcode 8180 verschijnen. Internet is volgens mij helemaal niet geactiveerd.

Zonde van mijn kostbare tijd...

Hi Alexjiwh,

I'm going to help you to get internet! I've checked your situation. I see that your internet line needs a fix. You spoke to my colleague and she has put you through to our technician. Did you make an appointment already? If not, you can call this phone number: 088 - 2000 151. Please let me know if your internet works!

Tot mijn blijschap zie ik dat ook aan jouw internetlijn hard gewerkt wordt. Ik heb er alle vertrouwen in dat jij snel kunt genieten van jouw internet!
Hi Alexjiwh,

I'm going to help you to get internet! I've checked your situation. I see your internet line needs a fix. You speak to our colleague and you have it through to our technician. Did you make an appointment already? If not, you can call this phone number: 088 - 2000 151. Please let me know if your internet works!

Your colleague just left my place,and he stated that it needs to be activated by KPN. Hence, it will be maximum 5 more days until I get Internet at home. Hopefully it will come soon.😄
Hi Alexjiwh, the grid operator KPN has sent a mechanic but they are still working on resolving the issue. My apologies for the delay!
