
No internet connection after installation and poor customer service

  • 17 September 2020
  • 1 reactie
  • 205 Bekeken

Good evening;

  • here is my situation : I suscribed to an internet service with T mobile at the beginning of the month, and I was told that I would receive first my modem, and then my internet line would be active on the 15 of september.

    I indeed got my modem and was happy to install it myself. Everything is correctly plugged in, all the lights are GREEN except from that “Globe” thing that stays red. Tried EVERYTHING, spent hours trying to figure things out. Called the customer service that says that I have to make an appointment with Guidion. I tried, and the first availability is on the FIRST OF OCTOBER !!!!!!!!!!!!! I AM WORKING FROM HOME, I CAN’T wait for that long.

    After I found out, I called the customer service again, and tried to negociate at LEAST a 4G key or a SIM card with unlimited data, answer was a dry “no.” What a terrible customer service… seriously T Mobile ?

    There is only 2 solutions now : 
    - you offer me something right away
    - I stop my automatic monthly money transfer to you guys and go see somewhere else. Heard Ziggo is doing a great job.


Beste antwoord door Brian 18 September 2020, 16:59

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1 reactie

Reputatie 7

Hi @monsieurlopez, Let's see if we can't solve this some other way! It would appear that we can't connect to the modem. Could you post a picture of how the modem is connected and to which connection point (ISRA). If there are multiple of these points present (as depicted in the link) then we can maybe figure out which is the correct one and get you online!
