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  • 21 September 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 435 Bekeken

Hello team! I do not have internet for a week now and I have been through a lot to arrange a technician to come and visit my place, the guy was super helpful but he did not make it to fix my internet. Very disappointed on part of Odido customer service - some colleagues were super kind and tried to understand my case - one of them was super rude and told me that he cannot help me and that I am not patient. He hang up the phone call and left me with no answers. Would appreciate if this is addressed so we can have a better customer experience and I would like to know if someone could help me please to check online what disturbs my network.

1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @aggelina, welcome to our Community!

Good of you to start a topic on this. I immediately went to check for you and see that you have already spoken to my colleague. She has created a ticket for you to our technicians and they are going to do everything they can to get you online as soon as possible. Would you like to keep us updated on the process? Thanks in advance. 
