Being charged double for internet for a year

  • 22 February 2024
  • 7 reacties
  • 58 Bekeken

  • heeft eerste post geplaatst
  • 3 reacties

In February 2023 I moved house, and therefore moved my Internet subscription to a new location. I have recently had time to review my finances, and have noticed I have been charged double for the last year for Internet… I’m not getting any invoices for the old Internet subscription, they’re just getting written off my account monthly… There is no way for me to access anything regarding the old contract or any ability to cancel anything. Has anyone else had this problem? Is there a way to resolve it and claim back the money I was wrongfully charged?

Tommie van Odido 5 maanden geleden

Hi @CaAnPo, welcome to our community!
Good that you noticed this. Indeed, I see two active subscriptions listed. One on Overtoom and one on Legmeerstraat. Which of these subscriptions needs to be cancelled? Did you do get in touch with us about the move? I don't see anything about a move anywhere. 

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Hi @CaAnPo, welcome to our community!
Good that you noticed this. Indeed, I see two active subscriptions listed. One on Overtoom and one on Legmeerstraat. Which of these subscriptions needs to be cancelled? Did you do get in touch with us about the move? I don't see anything about a move anywhere. 

Hi @Tommie van Odido ! 
The one on the Overtoom needs to be cancelled. I did get in touch with you. Firstly, I used the ‘moving’ function on my account, and then I was in touch with one of your colleagues and they said it would just take some time to process… I then didn’t see it in my account any more, and stopped receiving invoices in my email, making me believe it had been transferred. I only found out when I got my annual statement and realised T-mobile//Odido double charged my account for the last year…

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Then it's really weird @CaAnPo because I can't see anything in my system. Is it true that your new subscription started on 17-02? If so, I will refund the 17-02 to 22-02 of the old subscription and cancel it for you immediately!

That’s exactly right! New contract started on the 17th Feb 2023. That would be great - thank you very much for your help! 

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It's done @CaAnPo! You will receive a confirmation of the cancellation and the costs that I credited from 17-02 until 23-02. You don't need to return any hardware. Have a great day!

@Tommie van Odido @Cheyenne van Odido - Thanks for this - I just got confirmation. However, I have been double charged for the last year! (17 Feb ‘23 - now), not just for the last few days… Could you please look into this? I appreciate the effort, however I have been charged double over the last year for an internet subscription that’s not in use and was supposed to be cancelled (more than 300eu!)




Reputatie 7
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Hi @CaAnPo I see that the refund for the subscription costs are from this year and not last year. Since it's about last year and longer than six months ago + it's a big amount and there is no contact information to be found about the move, we need some proof that you really moved houses to make this refund. Otherwise I'm afraid the refund will be denied by our credit desk. 

We need a proof of changing residence (proof of relocation). A proof of relocation is an official document. The following is eligible as a proof of moving: termination of rental contract from the landlord or a buyer's contract from an owner-occupied home. Finally, we also accept proof of registration from the municipality (BRP).

Can you please send me one of the above documents through a WeTransfer link in a private message to me? That way I'm able to arrange this refund as soon as possible for you! 😊

