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Appalling Service

  • 14 december 2024
  • 19 reacties
  • 142 Bekeken

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We note that you make it as difficult as possible to address a written complaint to you. I wonder why????


We have phoned several times about errors made by Odido in your billing, all to no avail!


In your shop in town we, sadly, renewed our contract for 2 years: this was a big mistake!. The number 06 nnnnnnnn was meant to be the primary number and 06 nnnnnnnn was meant to be at a reduced rate of €20/month. Odido, for reasons best known to itself, reversed the 2 numbers and put 06 nnnnnnnn at the lower premium. We called Odido twice about this and were promised they would rectify it. Predictably this didn’t happen.


The latest set of errors involve Odido adding 06 nnnnnnnn to our account without our knowledge or permission. We have no idea what this number relates to and do not know where it comes from. We were billed €39,35 for this number which should be refunded to us immediately. The last time we phoned (this involved waiting 30 minutes to get through to your colleague and one hour trying to sort this mess out before we were cut off by your colleague without properly solving the issue) your agent did disable this number.


We would like to know why this number was added to our account.


The appalling service we have received from Odido makes me deeply regret we ever took out a subscription with you. Please note that it is not a mistake we will make again. We would cancel our subscription in its entirety were it not for the extortionate amount that you demand from your clients in order to escape the extraordinary incompetence demonstrated by Odido to us.

Uitgelichte reactie

30 december 2024

Hi Crott, I've arranged for all 4 subscriptions, and I'd like to put everything in a row for you:

  • Number **00 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025
  • Number **32 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025
  • Number **66 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025
  • Number **70 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025

For all subscriptions I've also sent confirmation mails. I hope you will enjoy your new provider. Thank you very much. I wish you a happy new year! If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm here for you!

19 reacties

Marciano van Odido

Hi Crott, welcome to our Community! Sorry to hear about the service you've been given until now. Let's look into your situation together. I see that there are 2 subscriptions active: 06***32 and 06***00. Which one's which? I'm guessing the subscription with phone number **32 is your primary subscription and you wanted to add **00 to your account as a Samen subscription for € 20. Is that correct?

You said that we added another 06-number to your account without your knowledge. What's the phone number?

Please let me know, and I'm happy to help! 

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  • 16 december 2024


Thank you for your reply. You are correct that we renewed our subscription we put 06 **32 as the primary and 06 **00 as the other ‘samen’ number. Odido wasn’t able to do that properly either in spite of several phone calls and even a visit to you shop in this town.

You need to add 2 097nnnnnnnn numbers to complete this subscription. The number that was added to our account without our knowledge or permission is:06 48271896. This number was de activated on November 23rd by a member of your staff who later on disconnected our phone call before the issues were dealt with. We were expecting her to call us back but, needless to say, that never happened. We want to know how and why this number was added to our account and why €39,35 was charged for this number. We have wasted hours on the phone trying to get this sorted: life is too short for this. 

When this was T-Mobile we didn’t have any problems and we deeply regret renewing our subscription via Odido. 

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  • 19 december 2024

I replied to the message from Odido the same day they posted the above. Why am I not surprised that they did not post my replies? Trustpilot can expect to hear much more from me about the utterly dreadful Odido service!

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  • 19 december 2024

I replied on December 16th at 12:42 by. Email. I will now paste that reply here in the hope that it will be viewable by all.

Thank you for your reply. You need to add 2 097nnnnnnnn numbers to complete this subscription. The number that was added to our account without our knowledge or permission is:06 48271896. This number was de activated on November 23rd by a member of your staff who later on disconnected our phone call before the issues were dealt with. We were expecting her to call us back but, needless to say, that never happened. We want to know how and why this number was added to our account and why €39,35 was charged for this number. We have wasted hours on the phone trying to get this sorted: life is too short for this. 

When this was T-Mobile we didn’t have any problems and we deeply regret renewing our subscription via Odido. 


When we unwisely renewed our subscription it was for 2 06 numbers and 2 097 data numbers. The primary number ended in 32 and the so called “samen” number in 00. Odido was not able to arrange this in spite of visits to their shop in our town and multiple phone calls!


Anouk van Odido
  • Moderator | Mobiel
  • 125 reacties
  • 20 december 2024

Hi, I see your message has come in as spam with us. Sorry about this! I have immediately made sure that your messages are visible on our Community. I checked it out for you and I figured out what happened.

Number 06xxx32 you correctly renewed to an Odido subscription. A Samen subscription is always added, by requesting a new subscription with number portability. A new subscription initially always gets a new number, this has become 06xxx96, by number porting the correct phone number will eventually appear on the SIM card.

Number portability should have been requested for 06xxx00, because this would be the second Samen subscription. Now this is where things went wrong, as number portability was requested for 06xxx32, while this subscription had already been renewed. Because of the extension, the number portability request was rejected and the subscription was activated with number 06xxx96. 

My apologies for this error, would you like to wait for your next invoice? I expect that the costs have been corrected. If this is not the case, I will reimburse the amount for you.

However, it is not possible to add Data Only subscriptions to your Samen Unlimited group, this is only possible for 06-numbers. If you want to add 06xxx00 to 06xxx32, you can! Through My Odido you can click on 'Order an Unlimited Samen subscription for only € 20 /month', then choose 06xxx00 and continue the ordering process. 

Will you let me know if it worked out?


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  • 21 december 2024

Why was this not explained to me when I renewed (unfortunately) the contract. If it had been explained I would never have renewed said contract! Why do you expect me to take some kind of action when the fault is 100% with Odido? As you can see I am an extremely unhappy customer.

Pharwin van Odido

Hello ​@Crottpk, Apologies for not communicating properly when you went to renew! Is it clear to you now and do you still want Samen Unlimited for € 20,00? Then you can easily arrange this yourself via your My Odido account as my colleague Anouk indicated! 

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  • 23 december 2024

I would prefer to be able to quit the contract without charge! I regard the apologies for Odido incompetence as entirely unsatisfactory and impatiently await when I can move to a different provider: any provider has to be a lot better than Odido.

Pharwin van Odido

@Crottpk That's not possible, sorry! I see that the number ending in ***1332 is still in contract through 10-9-2026. If you decide to cancel earlier, you will have to buy out the contract. You will then pay 50% of the monthly fee for the remaining months. I can stop the subscription for you on 24/01/25 at the earliest due to one month's notice. I made the calculation for you right away and you will end up with a buy out of € 141,19. 

Can you let me know if you agree? If so, I will just have to perform an additional verification. For this I will send a verification code by SMS to your number. As soon as you can share it, I can arrange the cancellation for you. 

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  • 24 december 2024

Does that include the 2 06 numbers and the 2 097 numbers?

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  • 24 december 2024

I will want the numbers freed so that I can carry them over to my new supplier.



06 ******200

097 *******666

097 *******670.


Please confirm to me that my contract with you will be canceled when I pay €141,19.


Thank you.


Marciano van Odido

Good afternoon Crott, I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I've looked into your account, and my colleague was only talking about the subscription with phone number **32. For this subscription the cancellation fee is € 141,19. 

Your other subscription **00 is already out of contract. You can simply cancel this subscription with the standard 1 month notice period, and no additional costs (only 1 payment for the last month).

Both 097-numbers are under contract until 11-10-2026. The cancellation fee for both these subscriptions would be € 84.86 x 2 = € 169,72 if you want to cancel these subscriptions early. 

I understand that it's not ideal to cancel 3 contracts early, because of the costs. I'm thinking about what we could do. If you would still want the Samen Unlimited for phone number **00, you will have a nice discount for this subscription (€ 20 per month in total). In that case, all of your subscriptions will end around the same time in 2026, and I would be more than happy to give you a 1-time discount on both 097-subscriptions to make up for the incomplete information from our colleague when you ordered the renewal. 

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  • 27 december 2024


Thank you for this information. I really want out of all  3 contracts and to cancel the 00 number. The astonishing incompetence shown by Odido means that your I cannot trust Odido to do anything right. Please arrange for me to do just this. I am very much aware that this is an expensive decision by me but Odido have caused me sleepless nights and I want to move to a competent company. I believe that I am not alone in my mistrust of Odido. On Christmas Eve I walked past the Odido shop here in town. The only person in the shops was an employee of Odido who looked extremely bored. Another Internet/phone company is next door to the Odido shop. 2 staff members were working flat out with queues waiting to be serve .I fear the worst for your company and suspect many of you are likely to be job hunting before to long.

€310,91 is a lot to lose because of Odido incompetence!

Please arrange the details of the cancellation for me. I sincerely hope that 2025 will be a good year for you.








Marciano van Odido
Uitgelichte reactie

Hi Crott, I've arranged for all 4 subscriptions, and I'd like to put everything in a row for you:

  • Number **00 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025
  • Number **32 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025
  • Number **66 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025
  • Number **70 is cancelled and will stop per 30-01-2025

For all subscriptions I've also sent confirmation mails. I hope you will enjoy your new provider. Thank you very much. I wish you a happy new year! If you have any questions, please let me know. I'm here for you!

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  • 30 december 2024

Many thanks. What date and time will these numbers be available for my new provider to take up for me?

Super User
  • Odido Superuser
  • 8645 reacties
  • 30 december 2024

Porting can take place at 30-1-2025.

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  • 2 januari 2025

Yet another demonstration of incompetence by Odido! KPN tried to reserve my phone number 06 *******332  for porting on 30-01-2025. They were informed that this number is under contract with Odido until September 2026 even though I have emails stating that the contract now ends on 30-01-2025. This early end of contract cost me a significant sum, over €300, to get away from this company which has the worst service of any company I have had the misfortune to encounter (that is saying something)! Odido PLEASE SORT THIS OUT IMMDEDIATELY!!!!!

Pharwin van Odido

Hi ​@Crottpk, first of all, best wishes for 2025! I think something didn't go right with the release of your number, so you can transfer to another provider earlier with the number. Apologies for this! I immediately looked at the number ending in ***1332 and I see that it has since been released by a colleague. If you now request number portability with KPN, it should be fine! Apologies again for the inconvenience.

If you have any other questions, feel free to let us know! 

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  • 3 januari 2025

It is done, thanks


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