How-to Edgerouter IPTV + Internet

  • 13 April 2022
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  • 5583 Bekeken
How-to Edgerouter IPTV + Internet
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Badge +3

This How-To will guide you how to setup a Ubiquiti Edgerouter for Internet and IPTV. 

Note; It will be in English so also the non-dutch speaking customer can follow it. As also it requires some knowledge of the Edgerouter system. 

It will be for Fiber customers on the Interactieve TV platform. You can check here which one you have. Or for xDSL customers on both TV Platforms

Note: For Fiber connections with Odido TV only the internet part is needed.

Note: For xDSL a converter from DSL to Ethernet is needed. See the Zyxel VMG4005 or Draytek 165 for example

Hardware used: Ubiquiti EdgeRouterX

Software used: v2.0.9-hotfix.2

Setup: FTU → Mediaconvert/ONT → UTP → Edgerouter x ETH0


When first connected to the EdgeRouter, how to do this can be found in the instructions in the box,  It will ask to use the setup wizard. Choose for Yes.

Check the “Internet connection is on a VLAN’  box and fill in 300. Keep the “Enable the default firewall” and “Enable the default Ipv6 firewall” checked.  


Other settings can be changed to your liking. Dont forget to change the password! Click on Apply and follow the instructions showed. The Edgerouter will now reboot. 

Internet is now setup and ready to use.


After the EdgeRouter is rebooted, login with SSH to the EdgeRouter. See this article if you dont know how to do this.

Note; Using SSH would make it easier and faster to make all the changes needed.

In case you choose another interface towards the Mediaconverter/ONT change eth0 to the correct one.

First we are going to create the interface needed for IPTV;


set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 640 address dhcp

set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 640 description TMTH-IPTV

set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 640 dhcp-options default-route no-update




Then we are going to create a NAT rule. So the TV Box can communicate with the system for IPTV

In case you choose another interface towards the Mediaconverter/ONT change eth0 to the correct one.


set service nat rule 5000 outbound-interface eth0.640

set service nat rule 5000 type masquerade

set service nat rule 5000 protocol all



In order to receive the TV-signal on the box we need an IGMP Proxy. The IGMP Proxy translates the signal into the LAN network.

Note; Change switch0 to the interface which goes go TV Box. In case there is a switch in between use the interface going to the switch. 

In case you choose another interface towards the Mediaconverter/ONT change eth0 to the correct one.

Make sure the switch support and has IGMP snooping enabled.


set protocols igmp-proxy interface eth0.640 alt-subnet

set protocols igmp-proxy interface eth0.640 role upstream

set protocols igmp-proxy interface eth0.640 threshold 1

set protocols igmp-proxy interface switch0 alt-subnet

set protocols igmp-proxy interface switch0 role downstream

set protocols igmp-proxy interface switch0 threshold 1



Next step is to create the static routes needed for the stb to communicate with the system for IPTV.

In order to do this we first need to what the so called Next-Hop is for the IPTV Interface create earlier.

Run the following command 

Note; In case you choose another interface towards the Mediaconverter/ONT change eth0 to the correct one.

show dhcp client leases interface eth0.640 | grep router



This will return a ip address we need in the static routes. Replace IPADDRESS in the commands below to the IP found in the last step

Note: This IP address can change. In case of IPTV not working anymore check this.


set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS  description IPTV_SR01

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS  description IPTV_SR02

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS description IPTV_SR03

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS description IPTV_SR04

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS description IPTV_SR05

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS description IPTV_SR06

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS  description IPTV_SR07

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS description IPTV_SR08

set protocols static route next-hop IPADDRESS  description IPTV_SR09



Additional Configuration

This part is not needed to make things work, just make it easier to troubleshoot later and some recommended settings to change. 

Interface descriptions

In order to make things easier to find in the WebGui. You can change the description of the created interfaces and NAT rules.


set interfaces ethernet eth0 description TMTH-WAN

set interfaces ethernet eth0 vif 300 description TMTH-Internet

set service nat rule 5000 description 'masquerade for TMTH-IPTV'

set service nat rule 5010 description 'masquerade for TMTH-Internet'




Set the timezone to Amsterdam


set system time-zone Europe/Amsterdam



Hardware Offload

Enable hardware NAT to boost performance

For some models it’s called hwnat for others Offload.

Check here to see which one works for your device.



set system offload hwnat enable





set system offload ipv4 forwarding enable

set system offload ipv4 vlan enable



WebGui & SSH

Set the webgui and ssh service to only listen on the LAN address. 

Note; Change the address if needed


set service gui  listen-address

set service ssh listen-address


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