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Lost sim card, need help get a new one

  • 22 June 2024
  • 2 reacties
  • 73 Bekeken

I have lost my phone with my sim card. I did not have an account with Odido to start with, so I am not able to buy a new simcard.


How can i proceed?


Found a response to a similar problem here: 

@Marciano van Odido : Is this solution possible in my case as well?



Good morning Axel, welcome to our Community! Sorry to hear about your sim card. Yes, the solution in the other topic is also available for you. Let's get you a new one as soon as possible. I can't find your subscription on your e-mail address. Did you already get a new sim card is there one on the way? If not, please send me a private message with the following information, and then I will order one for you! 

06-number, date of birth, zip code + house number and the last 4 digits of your IBAN. Once I receive this, I'm happy to order a new sim card for you. Please note that the costs for a new sim card are € 10, and you will see this on your next invoice. It will take about 3 days before you receive the new sim card on your home address. I look forward to your message! 😊

Ps. If you have one of our Odido shops nearby, you can always walk in. That's the fastest way to receive a new sim. 
