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Lost sim card, need help get a new one

  • 22 June 2024
  • 2 reacties
  • 66 Bekeken

I have lost my phone with my sim card. I did not have an account with Odido to start with, so I am not able to buy a new simcard.


How can i proceed?


2 reacties

Found a response to a similar problem here: 

@Marciano van Odido : Is this solution possible in my case as well?



Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Good morning Axel, welcome to our Community! Sorry to hear about your sim card. Yes, the solution in the other topic is also available for you. Let's get you a new one as soon as possible. I can't find your subscription on your e-mail address. Did you already get a new sim card is there one on the way? If not, please send me a private message with the following information, and then I will order one for you! 

06-number, date of birth, zip code + house number and the last 4 digits of your IBAN. Once I receive this, I'm happy to order a new sim card for you. Please note that the costs for a new sim card are € 10, and you will see this on your next invoice. It will take about 3 days before you receive the new sim card on your home address. I look forward to your message! 😊

Ps. If you have one of our Odido shops nearby, you can always walk in. That's the fastest way to receive a new sim. 
