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I have bought a new sim (prepaid) and asked to keep my number from my old sim (Odido subscription). Now I am trying to login in MyOdido but I am not receiving the SMS code for 2FA. Next to that, I was expecting that my new sim would have the old number already but what I see is that the numbers didn't swap yet.

Could anyone help me out here please? 

Hi ​@bmoehlecke, welcome to our Community! I suspect your number can be converted to the PrePaid SIM card you had requested after a month's notice. This is often only possible after one month. That's why it hasn't been transferred yet. Is the 2FA with your number set to SMS and also for your own number? Can you reboot your device to see if you receive the SMS then? 

I would like to take a look at your subscription to see if everything is set correctly. However, I am still missing the last 4 digits of your bank account number in your profile. I also see that the date of birth does not match what is mentioned under the number in our system. Can you mention the correct data in your profile? Then I can check with you after that! 
