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Cant add my Thuis account to my existing My T-Mobile account

  • 18 October 2022
  • 7 reacties
  • 104 Bekeken

I already have a mobile subscription in T-mobile and just got my Thuis subscription as well. I recieved an email with a link to connect my Thuis subscription to the exist T-mobile account, but when I go throught both 2-step veryfication - I am getting an error. 


Hello @sensor87 

In the existing My T-Mobile account can you choose for opties > ontkoppelen and then try to add the mobile number again in your T-Mobile account?


I did that and now it is saying that I cannot link it, because it is already linked to another account 


Okay, after few more attemps it said something new:



A moderator can help you with deleting this, then you should be able to add your mobile number.

Looks like it is already deleted, but now it says something that I have different personal details there somehow and can’t link it anymore. How can I call for moderator here? :-)


They'll automatically reply here but I also faced this issue : thuis and mobile need to be contracted under the same name.

Thats not a problem - they are on the same name, thats why I am curious what’s the problem there
