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Niet mogelijk

Supportafdeling verbetering

  • edwinvb
  • paul1966
  • RIES76.1
  • TheDoc
  • Arlensen
  • jooost
  • henkdeleeuw
  • SteamCouple


Beste Odido,

Voor complexere problemen dan een modem reset heb ik een verbeteringsvoorstel voor jullie support afdeling:

First level support, de servicedesk, neemt een call van de klant aan en boekt eventueel een ticket op voor second level support.
De klant krijgt een linkje naar dit ticket, en, alleen de klant mag het ticket afsluiten!!!
Als second level support er niet direct uit komt, en/of een onderaannemer moet inschakelen, wordt er een casemanager aan het ticket toegewezen.
De klant moet via dit ticket met de casemanager kunnen communiceren.
Deze casemanager houdt de voortgang in de gaten en houdt de klant via het ticket regelmatig op de hoogte via het ticket.

Deze constructie voorkomt veel belletjes van de klant naar first level support.
Nu moet de klant ook zelf met de onderaannemers bellen om informatie te krijgen, dat is niet optimaal.
Hopelijk kunnen jullie hier iets mee.

Met vriendelijke groeten,

10 reacties

Jason van Odido
  • Community Manager
  • 10739 reacties
  • 3 januari 2024

Alhoewel we helemaal voor zijn als het op nieuwe ideeën aankomt, ga ik deze als [Niet mogelijk] bestempelen. Het is niet mogelijk om met een miljoen klanten op vast Internet in zoveel verschillende escalatiesituaties een casemanager te hebben. Het is een uitstekend idee wanneer je grootschalige incidenten zoals regionale verstoringen moet beheren - dat doen we overigens ook op deze manier met incident- en storingsmanagers. Ik ga dit wel in de groep gooien om na te gaan of er iets anders mogelijk is. Bedankt voor jouw toevoeging!

Jason van Odido
  • Community Manager
  • 10739 reacties
  • 3 januari 2024
NieuwNiet mogelijk

  • Auteur
  • is King of Content
  • 155 reacties
  • 3 januari 2024

Hi Jason,

Dankjewel voor je reactie, en ik begrijp je reactie. Een ticket-systeem inregelen zoals ik beschreven had is best wel een klus. 
Maar wat zou het toch fijn zijn als Odido (eventueel zonder bewakende casemanager) en alle onderaannemers (ODF, MDF, Artemis, Kpn, etc.) in hetzelfde ticketsysteem hun bevindingen kwijt konden, en dat de klant daar inzage in zou hebben.
Dan zou de klant niet zelf met al deze onderaannemers hoeven te bellen.

Met vriendelijke groeten,


  • is een King Poster
  • 56 reacties
  • 23 januari 2024

Almost anything is possible is there's will.

There's just lack of interest.

We should have 24/7 Levels I and II support that goes way beyond telling users to turn their devices on and off multiple times and opening tickets for “another department” to take days dealing with cases.

Even technicians coming to our houses don't have much power and if their back office isn't working for any reason they can't do anything but say “sorry” and we have to wait another bunch of days to schedule anything again.

They survive due to lack of competition. I can only get fiber from them and they know it. But I am very close to my limit.


  • Auteur
  • is King of Content
  • 155 reacties
  • 24 januari 2024

Better support comes with a price tag, which will be passed on to the customer. With Ziggo, I pay 10 euros more per month. For that extra cost, Ziggo provides its own technical service, which, until now, seems to be working adequately. The choice is up to the customer on whether they can afford lesser support for their internet connection. If you work from home, it might be wiser to pay a bit more for better support in case of an internet malfunction.

You often hear Odido saying that they are "dispatching the ticket to the network provider and hoping it will be fixed soon." If problems aren't resolved within a month, you have the option to terminate your contract. Once again, it's up to the customer to decide if they can live with this level of support.

However, how many customers inquire about the level of support they will receive when entering a contract? I'm afraid most of them wrongly assume 24/7 support.

  • is een King Poster
  • 56 reacties
  • 24 januari 2024

I can afford better support but that cost isn't that large considering the size of the company.

I only switched to T Mobile (now Odido) a year and a couple of months ago because Ziggo didn't have fiber.

Ziggo even gave me a free SIM Card with a USB modem I could use as a backup in case I didn't have internet.

Odido gave me a voucher, that's nice, but it does not bring my entire smart home on line, so I can't even control my heating properly (plus it does not take wifi, it has to be hard wired). Imagine if I were leaving (or on) a long trip? My entire place would be left without remote control of heat, lights, no surveillance or alarms functional.

They're nice, please understand I am NOT complaining about that. But they're limited in what they can do, severely, and the level of bureaucracy is too high.

There's also no choice for more advanced features or products like a dual connection with a fallback system for these situations. Their router has usb and software that should be compatible with a dongle. That feature seems to be disabled on it (or incompatible with usb tethering from phones, I don't have a dongle anymore, sadly). They could even sell it as a way to improve latency or have some sort of load balancing / smart routing built in. 

I really expected to have a more stable service and ease of access to basic procedures like speed changes. I used Ziggo for 5 years almost without issues. I used T Mobile for about a year. It's not terrible, it worked most of the time. But I feel I am getting a much lower quality product and that perhaps the nominal upload speed might not make up for other aspects. I feel I had lower latency with Ziggo via cable, weirdly. Or a higher limit for simultaneous connections or something else like a QoS setting or the likes, as I think file operations to clouds were faster before, even with 60 Mbps x 1000 with Odido. But I don't know, maybe I am crazy, I have been sitting on that issue all this time because I thought it was something on my head, but I could be wrong. My cameras also performed much better on Ziggo. 😬

Glad my 12 months are over since a couple of months ago, so I can switch away from them if I need. I will try to be a bit more patient but I admit I opened Ziggo Zakelijk site a couple of times already.

Thanks for your perspective on this! @paul1966 


  • Auteur
  • is King of Content
  • 155 reacties
  • 24 januari 2024

Thanks for sharing your story @fdamaral
I'm having a 400/40 mbit internet subscription with Ziggo and it's stable and reliable, for 20 years or so.
ODF messed up the installation of the optic cable and fixing things took 5 months.
After whatever they fixed, there didn't an end-to-end test from my home to the local exchange hub.
I'm hesitant to switch, if something breaks down in 3 months you're screwed and left with a hotspot for months.

  • is een King Poster
  • 56 reacties
  • 24 januari 2024

OMG! I was told the same happened to me! That they did the same here, but I was promised a solution in 3 or 5 days, maximum. 😬

I can't use a hotspot. Besides it being much slower I have dozens of devices and some aren't even wifi.

I can't even control my thermostat or watch my cameras remotely with it being this way.

Thanks for the warning!

Funny I received an email Odido tried to call me. My phone only rang for two seconds, I “answered” and they let the connection drop. Didn't try a second time either ha ha ha. They do whatever they can to blame their delays on us. Now it's up to me to call them and wait forever etc. I hate this. I don't like dealing over the phone for customer service either, chat and email are much easier methods. I am glad Odido has this forum and Twitter but they take forever to reply. 

My motivation to switch back to Ziggo is increasing strongly. Yes, it costs 20% more (VAT) and I get less upload speed (120 vs 2000) and 60% nominal download speed (1200 vs 2000) but I am not going for several days only able to connect via LTE using USB tethering to my phone and only 10 wifi devices. I can't even control my thermostat or use my surveillance system this way.

Sorry you had a similar issue and that it took you this long to not have your problem solved. 🤪

  • Auteur
  • is King of Content
  • 155 reacties
  • 25 januari 2024

Yeah, I believe I can write a small book with all my experiences already. The 20th of februari Guidion is going to install the modem. I absolutely have no confidence that the internet connection will be okay, but you never know. But if it turns out to work anyway I'm not going to use it directly. I'll connect a pc with only one program running on it. This program checks 24/7 the internet speed and logs the performance. I'll do this for two weeks, and at the slightest sign of trouble, I'll cancel the subscription, as it's allowed within two weeks of the connection. And after that, I start using Odido and I'll keep Ziggo for a few months, just to be sure.

What happened in your case?  Was the fiber optic cable broken somewhere? How long did it take to fix it? And yes, a hotspot is useless unless you only have a laptop and a phone. (Like you I have camera's, a NAS, security system and some self made smart devices, all wired connected)

  • is een King Poster
  • 56 reacties
  • 25 januari 2024
paul1966 schreef:

Yeah, I believe I can write a small book with all my experiences already. The 20th of februari Guidion is going to install the modem. I absolutely have no confidence that the internet connection will be okay, but you never know. But if it turns out to work anyway I'm not going to use it directly. I'll connect a pc with only one program running on it. This program checks 24/7 the internet speed and logs the performance. I'll do this for two weeks, and at the slightest sign of trouble, I'll cancel the subscription, as it's allowed within two weeks of the connection. And after that, I start using Odido and I'll keep Ziggo for a few months, just to be sure.

What happened in your case?  Was the fiber optic cable broken somewhere? How long did it take to fix it? And yes, a hotspot is useless unless you only have a laptop and a phone. (Like you I have camera's, a NAS, security system and some self made smart devices, all wired connected)

Nice! Is it allowed to cancel in the first two weeks? Because I notice they usually make you wait 2 weeks to install or you're forced to waive your “cooling off” period. Or did things change now?

It seems their business plans come with lower speeds but include a 4G USB Dongle with a fallback but you're required to use their equipment (I use their equipment already) and it seems the business management if made via their web interface instead of directly on your local device, which sounds a bit troublesome in case things go wrong and you can only connect to your router locally… 🤔

They also won't provide equipment that could be quite profitable to allow us to use both services with load balancing and bonding (plus failover of course), that might increase both companies’ customers numbers considerably, but I guess they don't like to cooperate or perhaps only a very small number of people would pay extra? 😬

All I know is I only have 4G right now but not for my network, only my phone, my PC via USB and a maximum of 10 wi-fi devices via tethering. 😟

I admit becoming dependent of the technology, but it's 2024, we must evolve with the times and I surely benefit from my smart home devices. I don't use a NAS because I live and work alone, so everything is concentrated on my PC or in the cloud (in case of a flood or something). Nice you self made smart devices! My brother works a lot doing these experiments. I admit being lazy and buying cheap stuff from Action and Amazon 😁

I am usually not cheap but I can't avoid feeling bad about buying equipment out of my own pocket to solve this situation, plus Odido clearly frowns upon having your own network infrastructure and they always blame your own equipment whenever possible (sometimes fairly, of course, but others not so much as they don't offer us alternatives but only dumbed down pieces of equipment with all advanced settings hidden from us and not much customization).

Be aware their routers limit you to 32 devices on wifi. I don't know what I will do as I am reaching that limit soon. The modem I had for the 1000 speed had a 64 limit. You know almost all smart home devices only work on 2.4. 😬

I wish things work well for you, it's nice you're being diligent!


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