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We have a strong in Almere. According what is standing on website it's should be fixed but in our house we still don't have it. When it will be fixt or when someone could help with reconnect (?) 

Hello @Marcelina 

Problems in Almere should be fixed, can you remove the power of the mediaconverter for about 10 seconds?

Or restart the modem in case of DSL.


I tried everything but i still don't have internet or TV.


Do you have Fiber or DSL? Which lights are on or off on the mediaconverter if you have Fiber? Also check if the cables are connected to the right port.

Ik heb geen internet  😐

Ik heb geen internet, is er een landelijke storing?

Ik heb geen internet, is er een landelijke storing?

Televisie doet het weer!

@Marcelina I have checked your connection, but I see the message that the modem is not found on the connection. Is this correct that this isn't connected right now? Also besides that, I see that the damping value is a bit too low. This can also cause problems.But first I need to know how the modem is connected to the fiber. Thanks in advance! 

@RgmTah Top dat het weer werkt!😀

@Hebamess Mocht jij momenteel nog problemen ervaren, wil je mij dan jouw postcode, huisnummer, geboortedatum en de laatste vier cijfers van je rekeningnummer sturen in een privébericht? Dan kijk ik met je mee in de verbinding!

Hi @Demi 

I just make a speedtest and this is results 

I have  Media convert connected to Asus RT-AC86U 

Hi @Marcelina ,

Thanks for your message! To make sure we get as much of a grasp of your connection, I'd like to ask you to perform these steps to test your speed, preferably with the modem which T-Mobile has supplied : 


-Go to in your browser and download the app for the device on which you want to perform the speed test
- Please shut down all open systems including VPN
-The computer or laptop has to be connected via an ethernet cable, a speed test of  a TV or gaming computer can’t be used
-Run the speed test. For the best results it’s best to test on several target servers. When you press the big GA-button, you can choose a server. Is the speed below the attainable average? Repeat the test on the same device but with a five minute intermission between the tests
-Take at least two screenshots of speed tests on different target servers and make sure your whole desktop screen is visible, so we can see the connection type (it's important that it's visible that the speedtest is made with a internet connection via a ethernet cable)
-Take a screenshot of the taakbeheer (Task Manager, on Windows) or the activiteitenmonitor (Activity Monitor on iOS):
In Windows you’ll find this by pressing CTRL + ALT + DEL; choose more details if they’re not directly visible
In Apple MacOS you can search for "Activity Monitor" from the Spotlight search box 
-Take a screenshot of the IP configuration:
Windows: via the search function under shortcut “Windows + R”, type in: “cmd” and press Enter (or search for Opdrachtprompt/Command Prompt in the starting menu). After opening, type in: ipconfig / all and press Enter
Apple MacOS: via the Finder or the Spotlight search window you can open the Terminal app. Type in: /sbin /ifconfig and press Enter. This will display all connections the device has at that specific moment. 

Please send me the screenshots in one message and make sure that the mentioned steps are followed precisely.