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My T Mobile router does not allow PlayStation 4 consoles to go online

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I am facing a problem connecting my PS4 to the my T Mobile router. Though I can normally play online using other internet networks with my PS4, my T  Mobile router does not allow me to go online. Here is the details:

  1. My T Mobile routers’ internet connection runs perfectly in Laptops, phones and smart TVs.
  2. However, the router does not allow PS4 to go fully online. I have tried it on my PS4 and my housemate’s PS4. The same problem.
  3. The problem is: though it shows in the PS4 that the connection is successful, I cannot download anything  from my PSN (it shows: er is een fout opgetreden). I can browse in the PSN but I cannot do anything further. Additionally, when I want to play online, it disconnects so swiftly. For example, in FIFA 20, we get a message flashes quickly saying (there was an error processing your request, please try again). In PES 20, it shows an error code (NP-40837-2).
  4. I thought the problem is with Sony, I called playstation to check whether my IP or ID is blocked. My public IP is not blocked and my ID neither. Clearly, it is not my ID as I can connect and play normally in other routers and networks. I contacted EA to check whether my IP is blocked and they told me it is not. Plus, since it is the same issue with multiple games, it is not the gaming providers’ issue. 
  5. I called the technical department at T Mobile many times to see if there is any restrictions on my IP. Every time they do not seem helpful saying if other devices works in the network, then it is not on our side, we cannot help you further and check out T Mobile community ! Only one of them said there is no restrictions on your IP and there is no apparent Packet Loss in my network. 
  6. I tried the port forwarding configurations many times and setting static IP but nothing gives me hope. Though I am not 100% sure that I am doing them right, the way my PS4 pulls me out from going online seems very systematic. 
  7. Now, I am so frustrated and there is only one trick available which is trying new ADSL modem which T Moblie will not provide me with (as they said to me since everything runs smoothly in other devices). So I came here as a last resort and if it does not work, I am considering to switch to another provider before June. 


Beste antwoord door Hakeem




Thank you very much for thinking with me.

I checked the local computer shops for the crossover cable, but they do not have available. I had to order it online.

However, the problem is now solved. It was the last thing that I would think about. It is the DSL cable (check the image). We had some old cables at home and one of them was a DSL cable and I said I will give it a try. That was just magic: my PS4 works as nothing going on. I have no clue how this works while the original cable seems perfect as it allows all other devices to connect normally (except for the PS4). At this point, I am really disappointed in T Mobile technical team; I expect them to give me a hint on this. I called them many times and almost every time I got this response: “if other devices works in the network, then it is not on our side, we cannot help you further and check out T Mobile community!”. 



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  • Oud-Moderator
  • 6076 reacties
  • 12 april 2020

Hi @Hakeem, hmm now that IS strange. You mention port forwarding, so I assume that the PS4 is set up through a wired connection? Is it connected directly to the modem or does it go to a switch/router/powerline adapter etc? If so could you try connecting it directly? I’m sure you have done so already but have you tried resetting the modem and the PS4 Internet settings? You could also try a factory reset of your modem (but still will delete the port forward settings). With the manual port forward settings active, what NAT type does the PS4 say you have? Is it possible for you to share the port forward settings of both the modem and PS4 here (through screenshots for example)? Then we can try to figure out what might be causing the problems. 

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  • 5 reacties
  • 12 april 2020

Thank you @Brian for your response. Yes, now it is connected through ethernet cable. But I did everything with the WIFI as well. No, it is not connected to a adapter; it is directly connected to my T Mobile modem (which is router at the same time): zyxel VMG8825 - T50 . Yes, I did the factory reset for the modem and even for the PlayStation. I also changed the firewall from medium to low in the modem. The outcome is the same: I cannot go online. The only thing that my PS4 shows that I am online is: I can browse in the PSN store, I can log in to FUT 20 page in FIFA20 and use things like transfer market and squads building. But I cannot download anything from the PSN store, and I cannot play online with other people at all. Attached you find some images about the connection, and the modem settings that I did. 


  • Oud-SU
  • 3109 reacties
  • 12 april 2020

@Hakeem You can try to put in the DMZ so that all ports are open and you bypass the firewall. Maybe you can even get NAT Type 1 in that case...

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  • 12 april 2020

@Folkert thank you for your suggestion. I tried this too. The NAT did not change (remains type 2) and had the same outcome. 

  • Oud-SU
  • 3109 reacties
  • 12 april 2020

Can you try to connect via a VPN? To check if (a range of) public IP addresses areblocked by Sony?

Proton offers a free VPN to try...

  • Auteur
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  • 13 april 2020

@Folkert  thank you. This gets a bit technical for me. But I managed to install the free trial VPN on my laptop and my pubic IP changes (on my laptop), but I have not been able to connect it to my PS4. It seems that it has to be set up in the modem as well which is not clear in the modem (no clear VPN setting in  zyxel VMG8825 - T50). I tried sharing the VPN using the method explained the in the video. It does not work. 


Super User
  • Odido Superuser
  • 20343 reacties
  • 13 april 2020

VPN settings are not available for customers in the Zyxel unfortunately.

  • Oud-SU
  • 3109 reacties
  • 13 april 2020

Well I forgot about the fact that the T-Mobile modem has no VPN option like @Waqqas said, too bad.

But a workaround is to install the VPN on a Windows 10 pc and connect the PS4 via a crossover network cable to the network port and allow the PS4 to use the Windows network. Of course this is far from optimal in terms of speed and latency but at least you can check if you will be connected while having the VPN external IP address. A manual is here:

A lot of work I guess but we have to find out what’s going on. Another option is to take the PS4 to a friend who has another internet provider...

  • Auteur
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  • 13 april 2020

@Folkert I tried this method with the Ethernet cable. But I think I do not have the “crossover” cable (as I think there is a difference between the the normal Ethernet cable and the crossover one). I will probably ask MediaMarkt about it. Anyhow, as I indicated earlier, my PS4 works perfectly when using my phone hotspot or other networks (e.g. my friends wifi). 

Super User
  • Odido Superuser
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  • 13 april 2020


If you want to connect another modem to your home setup than that's an idea.

Be sure to have a modem which supports VLAN. It can be connected to a LAN port of your zyxel and configure VLAN 300 in your own modem setup for internet, VLAN 640 for IPTV if needed.

If you want to try obtaining another ip address from T-mobile, you'll have to leave your zyxel modem unplugged for 24/48 hours if possible for you.

  • Oud-SU
  • 3109 reacties
  • 13 april 2020

@Hakeem cross over cables are different from normal network cables, wiring of data wires is crossed so you can connect two clients with eachother. You can buy them in any computer shop.

Hope this works, let us know...

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  • Antwoord
  • 18 april 2020




Thank you very much for thinking with me.

I checked the local computer shops for the crossover cable, but they do not have available. I had to order it online.

However, the problem is now solved. It was the last thing that I would think about. It is the DSL cable (check the image). We had some old cables at home and one of them was a DSL cable and I said I will give it a try. That was just magic: my PS4 works as nothing going on. I have no clue how this works while the original cable seems perfect as it allows all other devices to connect normally (except for the PS4). At this point, I am really disappointed in T Mobile technical team; I expect them to give me a hint on this. I called them many times and almost every time I got this response: “if other devices works in the network, then it is not on our side, we cannot help you further and check out T Mobile community!”. 



  • Oud-SU
  • 3109 reacties
  • 18 april 2020

Strange solution @Hakeem but I'm very happy for you that everything is working fine!

Enjoy gaming!

Regards, Folkert

Super User
  • Odido Superuser
  • 3596 reacties
  • 19 april 2020

you don't need a crossover cable. the ethernet ports are auto MDI-X these days. any ethernet cable will work.


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