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More than one week without internet

  • 4 February 2024
  • 5 reacties
  • 134 Bekeken

I am writing to express my extreme frustration regarding the ongoing internet outage at my residence. It has now been over a week since my house has been without internet service. Despite multiple attempts to resolve the issue, the problem persists, and I am thoroughly dissatisfied with the level of service provided.

During the initial visit from your technician, it was abundantly clear that insufficient effort was made to diagnose the problem. The technician merely glanced at the Huawei modem and failed to conduct any meaningful tests on the device or the accompanying cables. This lack of thoroughness is unacceptable, especially considering the inconvenience and disruption it has caused to my daily life.

Why is it that while my neighbors enjoy uninterrupted internet service, my house, situated between theirs, remains without connectivity? Could it be that the issue lies beyond the Huawei modem, which supposedly should have been thoroughly tested?

Furthermore, the dismissive attitude displayed by your customer service representatives only exacerbates the situation. Despite numerous follow-up calls, I have received nothing but vague assurances and excuses. The inability to provide a concrete timeline for resolution is unacceptable, particularly given the critical nature of internet access in today's world.

I am appalled by the lack of urgency and professionalism demonstrated by Odido in handling this matter. As a paying customer, I expect better treatment and prompt resolution of issues. It is imperative that you prioritize resolving this matter immediately and provide compensation for the extended period of service disruption as mandated by consumer protection laws.

I demand a comprehensive response outlining the steps Odido intends to take to rectify this situation and restore my internet service without further delay. Failure to address this matter satisfactorily will compel me to escalate my complaint through all available channels until a resolution is achieved.



Hey @ACT, welcome to our Community!

First of all, my apologies for the inconvenience. I immediately went to check for you and see that Guidion's technician placed the ticket in the wrong queue, which is why it hasn't been picked up yet. I have put the ticket in the correct queue with priority. I assume it will be picked up by our techs soon. 

When it will be solved? Why the attendants which we spoke with did not check that? We want a straight answer!

Hi @ACT, we would love to see you reconnected as soon as possible! With the priority that Tommie gave to your ticket our technical department handled your ticket yesterday and started an investigation with the network operator. Most likely they will contact you soon for an appointment with a network technician. As Open Dutch Fiber is your network operator, you can expect contact from them soon.

We’re on it for you, I hope that we manage to find the problem very quickly in cooperation with Open Dutch Fiber!

Almost 3 weeks without Internet! When will we have our connection fixed? 

It's been almost 3 weeks, when it will be solved?

Hi @ACT, good that you alert us about it and I am deeply sorry that you haven’t heard more from the network operator yet! I will immediately send a request for more information to the technical department and urge them to hasten the investigation opened with Open Dutch Fiber.

We want to get you back online as soon as possible, I will pressure the technical department and Open Dutch Fiber to update and solve this for you quickly!
