
I cannot install Internet in my apartment

  • 2 March 2020
  • 9 reacties
  • 336 Bekeken

Good morning, 


I recently hired T-Mobile internet and received the modem at home. However, my apartment only has a coaxial cable visibly available so I cannot plug my modem, and I cannot find the ISRA point or it's not accesible to me.


I would like to make an appointment with a technician so he/she can come and make an assessment of the situation and my possibilities to install Internet. I would be grateful if you could arrange it promptly, as I need the connection urgently.


Kind regards, 



Beste antwoord door Waqqas 3 March 2020, 00:02

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9 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +15

Hi @Danizeta 


Can't you find anything of the above picture? You can look for it in your fusebox or living room. Maybe somewhere else. It could also be a telephone cable which is not connected maybe, it has the colours red/blue/orange/white.

Also see this link to see if there is an active connection in your apartment and what the maximum speed would be :

Hello Waqqas, 

Thank you for your response. 

The only connection in my living room is this one below, from the previous tenant and a different internet supplier I guess:



I cannot find an ISRA point like the ones in your picture, and I think my fusebox is only reachable by my neighbour.

This is the result of the check:


Kind regards, 


Reputatie 7
Badge +15


Where is the cable on the right side of your picture heading to? The one which is folded? If it is not connected can you see which colour wires it has inside the cable?

By the way a moderator can send you a technician, moderators will reply within 24/48 hours. You could also try to get a technician to your home by calling the customer support on 0800 0092.


This is the rest of the connection:



Could I please get a moderator arrange a visit from the technician?


Thank you, 


Reputatie 7
Badge +15

Your ISRA is somewhere else. Maybe its just a cable and you ISRA needs to be repaired. Just wait for tomorrow and hopefully a moderator can arrange a technician fir you.

Reputatie 7
Badge +16

Hi @Danizeta,


Welcome to the Community, it seems as though your ISRA (main installation point) is located either at your neighbor’s home or somewhere else (currently not visible/behind walls for example). No worries, just like @Waqqas explained, we can send over a technician who will try and find the ISRA and complete the installation for you. Did the previous tenant (or any other one for that matter) have a DSL connection or has it pretty much always been COAX (Ziggo)?

Hi @Jason 


Thanks for the welcome, I will try to get that information from the landlord.

In the meantime, could you please arrange the appointment with the technician? I´m gonna be at home everyday.


Thank you,


Reputatie 7
Badge +16

@Danizeta Sure thing! Could you please PM me the MAC address and serial number on your modem?  Once I have those, I’ll gladly open up a ticket to our technicians. You’ll then be able to set a date for the appointment.

@Jason Thank you, I've just messaged you
