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How to get a new IP address?

  • 17 July 2024
  • 2 reacties
  • 32 Bekeken

Hello dear community, my current IP address is somehow blacklisted by one of my company’s services. I have just learnt from the customer service by phone that IP address change is possible but it has to be done on the customer side on the router. My router is ASUS, I am not using the device given by Odido.

Can someone please help me how I can do that? Thanks in advance!

2 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +15

Hello @st34m 

Is it not possible for your company to remove your IP address from the blacklist? Otherwise you will have to ëmremove the power from the mediaconverter for 48-72 hours..

hi @Waqqas, I already made a ticket for company IT to whitelist my IP but it also takes time, that’s why I asked. Thanks a lot for the answer!
