Welcome to our Community! @bader22
Thank you for alerting us about this matter. I will gladly help you further!
First, I immediately asked our Fiber department to contact you about the schedule, they will reach out to you.
Of course, you don’t have to send back this router until the new one is up and running. The e-mail you received gets automatically triggered by the system when it expects hardware back. Your situation is completely different, because you still need the use the router. I want to offer you my sincere apologies for the confusion!
I made sure that there will be no fine, so don’t worry about this! When the new router is installed, you can send the old one back to us. I will gladly explain to you how:
You can place all the hardware in a box, this can be an old box that you have laying around or maybe you can pick one up from the supermarket. Don’t forget to leave a note in the box with your zip code and house number, so we can link it to your subscription. When you are ready, you can travel to the nearest DHL-point. There you tell the staff that you want the package sent to Odido and they will print out a free sending-label for you. As soon as we have received and processed the hardware, you will receive an e-mail confirmation.
You can check this topic for more information: Hoe stuur je de apparatuur terug? | Odido community. However, since it is in Dutch, I have summarized the most important information in this message.