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Without internet for 2 months while fiber was supposedly available


While searching for a provider two months ago, I saw in the website of T-mobile that a fiber connection was already available for my new house, so I subscribed in the first week of February changing also my mobile phone provider to T-mobile to take advantage of the discount. Since my application, and while I received the router in the next 15 days, my phone subscription took more than a month to be activated and my internet is still not connected.

The only updates I have is that, to my surprise, there was no connection available in my building after all and, according to an email from KPN who is the owner of the network in my area, it would take a month to be connected. Then another email notified me that there will be another delay postponing further the connection to the first week of April the earliest.

Claiming that there is a fiber connection available for an address when at least a month would be needed to establish one, without any notification, is not an honest approach towards your (potential) customers. And leaving a customer without internet for more than 2 months in 2021 and especially during a lockdown is even worse.

If had not already changed my mobile subscription and paid for the installation costs, I would seriously consider to cancel my purchase.

When this issue is going to finally resolved? What kind of compensation you are going to offer for all this trouble?

Beste antwoord door Cal van Odido

Hi @Kon Metaxas,

First of all I'm very sorry that it wasn't clear that it would take this long. We certainly want to connect you as soon as possible. All internet providers classify fiber as an orderable internet connection once the local infrastructure is in place. However, it can still take some time if your house is not yet connected to the local fiber infrastructure.

As I suspect that you live in a recently-build suburb, the information I receive from the network operator can be a bit off at times. Am I correct in stating that you have an appointment with KPN NetworkNL on Friday the second of April? If not, I would advise you to call them at 088-0063744. There're available on workdays from 8:30-18:00. 

In this way, we can try to get you connected as soon as possible!

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Cal van Odido
  • Oud Moderator
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  • 29 maart 2021

Hi @Kon Metaxas,

First of all I'm very sorry that it wasn't clear that it would take this long. We certainly want to connect you as soon as possible. All internet providers classify fiber as an orderable internet connection once the local infrastructure is in place. However, it can still take some time if your house is not yet connected to the local fiber infrastructure.

As I suspect that you live in a recently-build suburb, the information I receive from the network operator can be a bit off at times. Am I correct in stating that you have an appointment with KPN NetworkNL on Friday the second of April? If not, I would advise you to call them at 088-0063744. There're available on workdays from 8:30-18:00. 

In this way, we can try to get you connected as soon as possible!

  • Auteur
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  • 30 maart 2021

Hello @Cal ,

Thank you for the reply. 

Cal schreef:

 All internet providers classify fiber as an orderable internet connection once the local infrastructure is in place. However, it can still take some time if your house is not yet connected to the local fiber infrastructure.

I understand the principle but then having an address check for the potential client to fill in, which claims that the connection is available for this postcode is misleading. 

Cal schreef:

Am I correct in stating that you have an appointment with KPN NetworkNL on Friday the second of April? If not, I would advise you to call them at 088-0063744. There're available on workdays from 8:30-18:00. 

I contacted them today and they did not know anything about the 2nd of April. The only thing they could promise is that the building will be connected till week 15, meaning 2 extra weeks on top of the time needed afterwards for Guidon to come.

Jason van Odido

Hi @Kon Metaxas, the plan date is set on April 2nd, tomorrow. That means the grid operator, that is KPN NetwerkNL, will create the patch tomorrow in order to open the line. Once the patch has been installed, you can call Guidion to make an appointment: 088-2000 151. I'll check with Cal as to why this date is being denied by KPN.

Sorry for the inconvenience!

  • Auteur
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  • 7 april 2021

Hello @Jason,

The situation is getting really confusing and frustrating as KPN NetwerkNL provides me with a very different picture than you do. While you claim that everything should be ready, since the 2nd of April, KPN denied that on the phone.

Jason schreef:

Hi @Kon Metaxas, the plan date is set on April 2nd, tomorrow. That means the grid operator, that is KPN NetwerkNL, will create the patch tomorrow in order to open the line. Once the patch has been installed, you can call Guidion to make an appointment: 088-2000 151. I'll check with Cal as to why this date is being denied by KPN.

Sorry for the inconvenience!


On top of their denial on the phone, today I received this email:

U ontvangt deze e-mail naar aanleiding van uw eerdere contact over de glasvezelaansluiting in uw woning.

Wij hebben zojuist de terugkoppeling van onze uitvoering in de regio mogen ontvangen en zij geven aan dat er steigers en stelconplaten zijn bij onze distributiepunt, waardoor wij onze werkzaamheden niet kunnen uitvoeren. Zolang de steigers daar zijn mogen wij niet graven. De verwachting is dat wij in week 18 meer informatie krijgen hierover.  Wij kunnen daarna uw dossier verder oppakken en een planning maken. Onze excuses voor het ongemak.


Essentially this informs me that not only there was not any work plan for Friday the 2nd as you claimed, but even their actual plan as described in the call I had with them, will not proceed. If this is the case, I will have to wait till May, just to get an update on the plan, either positive or negative, resulting in a total delay of at least 3 months for an address on which a connection was supposedly available according to T Mobile website.

This is not acceptable!

  • Auteur
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  • 12 april 2021

Based on the lack of any reply, it seems T-Mobile is not able to provide any reliable updates and most importantly any solution to my problem. I will have to look then for other alternatives for my internet connection.

@Cal and @Jason thanks for any time you invested in helping me.

  • Oud-Moderator
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  • 14 april 2021

Hi @Kon Metaxas ,

My sincere apologies for not answering your question sooner. We really do want to welcome you to T-Mobile Thuis but we’re waiting for a “go” from the grid operator, essentially KPN. Because of their information first implied a planning on the 2nd of April, we’d acknowledged that with a plan date. Because the grid operator can’t connect and make sure the grid is ready to install your connection, the current plan date has been postponed to the 30th of April. This because of the extra workload which was created due to unforeseen complications at the distribution center. 

I do understand that this is very inconvenient, I truly do. We’re happy to welcome you to our grid on the 30th of April, but are not able to speed up this process. Please let me know what your choice is, so I can take the following steps to make sure this is done the proper way. I’m here for you! 

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  • 19 april 2021

Hello @Boris,


I understand that for implementing the connection there is nothing in your power to do as it is the grid operator’s responsibility. Though as a side note the availability checker claiming there is already a connection for my address was quite misleading. What I found problematic during this whole waiting period is the lack of consistency in the information I am getting and that no temporary solution was offered to me although I am waiting for so long.

On the first point, while I was getting different updates from KPN, T-Mobile kept insisting on dates that KPN had amended even after letting you know of the content of the updates by KPN. For the lack of communication between the companies, no matter how confusing it is for me as your client, I am not in a position to demand anything. But after communicating to you the updates KPN gives me, I would expect to actively verify them with KPN and not keep insisting on the outdated information you already know.

On the second point, no temporary solution was offered to me except for giving unlimited MBs in my phone subscription, while I already pay for them anyway. When I asked for a 4G router the reply I got is that it is not available in my area which is very counterintuitive since I am living in the center of Delft. So my current situation is having to use my phone as a hotspot, everyday for the past 2 months, which is constantly draining my battery and having it run quite hot, essentially reducing its battery life.

Boris schreef:

I do understand that this is very inconvenient, I truly do. We’re happy to welcome you to our grid on the 30th of April, but are not able to speed up this process. Please let me know what your choice is, so I can take the following steps to make sure this is done the proper way. I’m here for you! 

Despite my disappointment, I am willing to wait a bit more as long as you can guarantee and initiate all the necessary procedures(Guidion etc) so that I will be connected no later than the 3rd of May. If not connection is available by then, I will opt for another provider.

  • Oud-Moderator
  • 2462 reacties
  • 21 april 2021

Hi @Kon Metaxas ,

Thanks for your reply and thoughtful response. I really understand the situation and will like to see if there’s any possible way we can help you see through this time. Therefor my personal inbox is always open to your messages and I’d like to keep you updated personally. Please let me know if you have any questions in the meantime. I’m here for you.

  • Auteur
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  • 22 april 2021

Thank you @Boris. What is more important now is to get properly connected within the next 10 days and not any temporary solution. I think it is already too late for that. If you get any new data in the mean time implying that internet access in my house will not be there on the 3rd of May, please let me know so I do not waste any more time waiting. 


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