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I moved abroad and no longer need subscription. It would be great if I could change it to prepaid.

Thanks in advance

Hello ​@Krachko 

If you can fill in all the privé fields in your community profile than a moderator can do this for you straight away.

Are you still in your contract period or not? There is always a one month cancellation period.

Hi Kracho, welcome to our Community, and I hope you're having a great time abroad! Please answer ​@Waqqas his question, and fill in your profile. At this moment, we're only missing the last 4 digits of your IBAN. If you fill this in, I'm happy to look into your account, and give you more information about how and when we can transfer your subscription to Prepaid - and what that means for you abroad. Are you traveling or will you be staying in one country, if so which one? I'd love to give you more information about that too! 😊

I’ve provided last 4 digits of my IBAN

Thank you for completing your profile with the last 4 digits of your IBAN for verification, Krachko. I have reviewed the options for you immediately. I see that you are currently using an old Tele2 subscription. Because of this, it is not possible to have your subscription converted to prepaid, I'm sorry! Of course, I can perform a regular cancellation for you.

If you would like to keep your phone number, you might want to order a prepaid connection and request number portability. If you would like a prepaid connection from Odido, you can apply for one on this page of our website.

I do see that you currently have a current contract until the 13th of March 2026. As a result, we cannot cancel your subscription free of charge. If I observe the month's notice period and thus discontinue your subscription as of the 24th of March, you will pay a redemption fee of €120.22. You will also pay this redemption fee if you choose to request number portability with a new prepaid connection. 

Will you let me know what your preference is? Then I can provide you with more information.

@Sam van Odido could you please check your link, seems like it doesn’t work. I would like to keep the number.

If you would like prepaid, order a prepaid card and than apply for “nummerbehoud". If you do that, the old postpaid subscription will also be cancelled automatically. (With one month notice period).


Hello ​@Krachko, I checked my colleague's link and I see that it does. It takes you to the following page: However, I see that you cannot apply for a Prepaid connection yourself because your subscription is still in contract. 

The rules have changed recently and I can't arrange the conversion to Prepaid for you myself, sorry! But my colleagues in the sales department can. You can reach them by calling: 0800-0092. This is available Monday to Friday from 08:00 to 18:00 and on Saturday from 09:00 to 17:30. They are happy to help you convert your subscription to a Prepaid connection! 

If you have any other questions, feel free to ask! 
