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Double Charged September

  • 29 October 2023
  • 8 reacties
  • 80 Bekeken

Hi! I was double charged September.

21/9 as Tele2

27/9 as Odido

I wasn't refunded and there was no pending payment from either before or after, so I actually paid twice for the month of September, € 10.18

I was unable to use the chat so I left a few direct messages via Twitter and I am also opening this topic in case someone is able to help me here and assign me credit to be used in the future or to refund me somehow.

8 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi fdamaral, no one likes to be double charged, so let's fix this! Firstly, please check the invoices carefully. I think there's been a pro rato calculation in play here and perhaps a payment in advance for October. Please let me know what you see on the invoice, if it's not clear or it doesn't add up, please tell me and I'm happy to look into it for you! 😄

Reputatie 1

I don't see a link to send you the information privately. 

The problem is not with the invoices.

The problem is with the money taken out.

You took the money out twice on a single month. Once as Tele2 Once as Odido, same amount.

I can only share my bank statement with you but I won't do it publicly. I thought there was a link to send you that information privately.

Reputatie 6
Badge +7

I don't see a link to send you the information privately. 

The problem is not with the invoices.

The problem is with the money taken out.

You took the money out twice on a single month. Once as Tele2 Once as Odido, same amount.

I can only share my bank statement with you but I won't do it publicly. I thought there was a link to send you that information privately.


Very understandable that you don't want to share that publicly. No worries, you can send my colleague a private message by clicking on his name and then on the button ''Send message'' or in Dutch ''stuur bericht'' . You can use this link: Once he receives the message from you, he will find this out for you! 


Kind regards, 

Reputatie 1

Hi! Thanks! I sent @Marciano van Odido a couple of private messages, including links with screenshots showing the duplicity payment and the previous month and the month after, demonstrating I was double charged September.

Reputatie 1

Another 2 days and no refund? Is this some sort of bad joke?

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @fdamaral, thanks for your screenshots! I requested a credit for you for the double payment. I also sent you a confirmation via the mail. Did you receive it?

The credit with the amount of € 10,18 will be settled with your next invoice. So, you will see a reduction of € 10,18 on it.

Please note that it's very busy at the moment and it might take a while, before you receive a reply (the same goes for my colleagues on Twitter/X). Also, if you would get a refund, it will always take around 14 days from the moment you receive a confirmation from us that you are getting a refund. I hope you understand that this process also needs time. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. Same goes for future questions, feel free to start another topic and we will be happy to help! However, I do request a little bit more patience then.

Kind regards,


Reputatie 1

Hi @fdamaral, thanks for your screenshots! I requested a credit for you for the double payment. I also sent you a confirmation via the mail. Did you receive it?

The credit with the amount of € 10,18 will be settled with your next invoice. So, you will see a reduction of € 10,18 on it.

Please note that it's very busy at the moment and it might take a while, before you receive a reply (the same goes for my colleagues on Twitter/X). Also, if you would get a refund, it will always take around 14 days from the moment you receive a confirmation from us that you are getting a refund. I hope you understand that this process also needs time. 

If you have any questions, please let me know. Same goes for future questions, feel free to start another topic and we will be happy to help! However, I do request a little bit more patience then.

Kind regards,



Hi. It's all good. I just wanted a resolution.

I spent hours on this and was waiting for the past 8 days to resolve something that should be easily fixable.

Now that you found the issue and a solution for it I just have to wait. I did not receive the email you mention but I assume it will eventually arrive.

Thank you.

Reputatie 1

Thank you for fixing it @Marciano van Odido 🤗
