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Installation appointment delayed

  • 11 December 2023
  • 1 reactie
  • 26 Bekeken

Hello, My contract with Odido just started today and monteur supposed to be here today however it’s been delayed to three days later.

Question 1: When my contract will be starting now?

Question 2: I have already KPN fiber connection, if I switch the modems, will it be enough to connect with Odido or should I wait for monteur to set things first?

1 reactie

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @Anfeidredd, welcome to our Community!
I'm happy to give you some clarity on this. The contract will take effect with us as soon as the modem comes online. From then on, billing will start. You still have to wait for the technician, he needs to install the equipment and activate the line administratively. Only then will there be light on the line and you will receive internet from us. Hopefully I've given you enough information this way! 
