Contacting Odido for billing dispute

  • 11 February 2024
  • 8 reacties
  • 100 Bekeken

I have been trying since Friday to chat with an advisor about a billing dispute but there are never any advisors available and there doesn't appear to be any possibility to get into a queue to wait for one. What can I do to get a human in the chat?

Marciano van Odido 5 maanden geleden

Hi Barbara, sorry to hear that there are no colleague available via chat, but I'm glad you found your way to our Community! I couldn't find you on your e-mail address, so please fill in your 06-number in your profile under 'Klantnummer’ and let me know what it is I can help you with exactly. I'm here for you! 😊

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8 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +16

Hi @Barbara Puky, welcome to the Odido Community! 🙋‍♂️

I'll hand your topic over to one of our excellent mobile colleagues: @Pharwin van Odido or @Marciano van Odido can you guys please help and shine your light on this particular situation? Thanks! 😄

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi Barbara, sorry to hear that there are no colleague available via chat, but I'm glad you found your way to our Community! I couldn't find you on your e-mail address, so please fill in your 06-number in your profile under 'Klantnummer’ and let me know what it is I can help you with exactly. I'm here for you! 😊

I have been trying since Friday to chat with an advisor about a billing dispute but there are never any advisors available and there doesn't appear to be any possibility to get into a queue to wait for one. What can I do to get a human in the chat?

Good afternoon,

I am currently in Canada which is why I didn’t answer right away. Being a prepaid customer, you will know:

Hallo! Omdat je in Canada bent, sms'en we je.

Bellen binnen dit land, naar Nederland en de rest van de EU kost 1,27 p/m, gebeld worden 0,76 p/m, sms versturen 0,51 p/b en sms ontvangen is gratis.

From here, calling 0800-0092 doesn’t work. Calling or texting would cost more than the disputed amount. You can write to me at

Thank you,


I have been trying since Friday to chat with an advisor about a billing dispute but there are never any advisors available and there doesn't appear to be any possibility to get into a queue to wait for one. What can I do to get a human in the chat?


Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi Barbara, no worries! I hope you're having a good time in Canada. I'm not able to contact you via mail. But I'm happy to help you here on the Community. I don't see your 06-number in your profile yet. Please fill it in or send it to me in a private message, so I can look into your account! 😄

Sorry but I can’t find how to send you a PM. Could you please send me a PM so I can reply with my phone number? 


Reputatie 1

@Barbara Puky 

To send a PM: click on the foto (avatar) of the person you want to contact, Click then on the text “stuur bericht” (send message.)

Hi Barbara, no worries! I hope you're having a good time in Canada. I'm not able to contact you via mail. But I'm happy to help you here on the Community. I don't see your 06-number in your profile yet. Please fill it in or send it to me in a private message, so I can look into your account! 😄

Hi Marciano, I sent you a private message last week with my phone number and contact details but haven’t heard back from you. Did you get it? 

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi Barbara, I'm working on your case as we speak. I will be with you within a few minutes! 😄
