
No Internet at home after 1.5 month

  • 16 May 2024
  • 1 reactie
  • 22 Bekeken


I have moved to my new house. I started the transfer 1 month before our moving but it didn’t go well. Even I got the new modem package, I was able to make an appointment for technican 15 day later. Then yesterday a technican came but he told me that there’s a problem with the network itself. He also promised that he will call me again today but he didn’t. Please tell me how long I should wait more to get my internet connection?


Beste antwoord door Nora van Odido 17 May 2024, 11:38

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1 reactie

Reputatie 5
Badge +5

Hi @zubizeratta, I can understand that you want to be able to use your internet on the new address as soon as possible! I have looked into this for you and I see that the Guidion technician has sent this to our technical department. At this moment they will research this for you and they will make sure the necessary steps are taken so that the network will be fixed. At the moment I am not sure how long this will take, but as soon as there is an update we will inform you about this! 
