I ordered my odido subscription begining of November. There was a mistake in the adress. So the installation package never arrived. I call to customer service to claim for it and they keep sending the package to the wrong adress. People from DHL tell me that the adress can only be change by the sender (Odido in this case). Customer service of Odido say they can not do anything about it. I have claim for the package to be sent already 4 times and the package was sent by DHL three times to the wrong adress. Eventhough I specify the problem is the wrong adress. I can believe there is no solution to this. It is alredy more than one month I ordered the suscription I have no internet and no idea/help how to solve this. This is really disapointing of this company.,
Good of you to raise the alarm for this. I immediately started looking for you and I see two addresses listed at the moment. At the moment, a parcel order has been sent to our logistics for Prinsengracht. Only the order has been placed at Oosterparkstraat. Can you give me a little more explanation about this? Thanks in advance.
Sure, I was moving to another apartment in a 2 weeks time when I ordered the suscription with Odido. Odido internet conection supposed to be installed on my new place. That happened begining November. So I ordered the package to my old Adress and arranged the installation apointment on my new address. The package was sent to a mistaken address that first attempt (not my old address, neither my new address).
-November 27th I called Customer service to explain the problem and asked to sent the package one more time to my old address. I was not moved yet. They sent the package one more time to the same wrong address.
-December 2nd I called customer service to explain once again the problem and asked the package one more time to my NEW addres. That time I was already moved. After 3 days without notice of the shipment I called again customer service.
-December 7th I called customer service to claim I had no notice about the package. They said it was going to be sent soon to my NEW address.
-December 11th I called customer service because once again I had no notice about the package and asked please to check the state of the shipment. They say everything is ok. Days after I received a message from DHL saying that the package was on the way to a wrong address. The same wrong address from the beginning of the story. I communicated with DHL to correct the address. They said only the sender (odido) can change the address. So December 13th I called Odido customer service, saying that the address was wrong for third time in a row and they are the only one able to change it. Customer service said ,we can not change it. If the address is wrong it will go to the distribution center where you can pick it up.
-Today December 14th I contacted DHL and it is not possible to reach the package in the distribution center they sent it back to Odido. I called one more time Odido customer service to see if myself in person can go somewhere to pick up the package and the answer was NO and there is no solution for me. Than trying to send it one more time.
-I am travelling next week and I now I can not arrange the shipment.
-So I got no solution or help from Odido. NO service. Nothing. I am completely disappointed and really upset for all the time I wasted with this company.
Sure, I was moving to another apartment in a 2 weeks time when I ordered the suscription with Odido. Odido internet conection supposed to be installed on my new place. That happened begining November. So I ordered the package to my old Adress and arranged the installation apointment on my new address. The package was sent to a mistaken address that first attempt (not my old address, neither my new address).
-November 27th I called Customer service to explain the problem and asked to sent the package one more time to my old address. I was not moved yet. They sent the package one more time to the same wrong address.
-December 2nd I called customer service to explain once again the problem and asked the package one more time to my NEW addres. That time I was already moved. After 3 days without notice of the shipment I called again customer service.
-December 7th I called customer service to claim I had no notice about the package. They said it was going to be sent soon to my NEW address.
-December 11th I called customer service because once again I had no notice about the package and asked please to check the state of the shipment. They say everything is ok. Days after I received a message from DHL saying that the package was on the way to a wrong address. The same wrong address from the beginning of the story. I communicated with DHL to correct the address. They said only the sender (odido) can change the address. So December 13th I called Odido customer service, saying that the address was wrong for third time in a row and they are the only one able to change it. Customer service said ,we can not change it. If the address is wrong it will go to the distribution center where you can pick it up.
-Today December 14th I contacted DHL and it is not possible to reach the package in the distribution center they sent it back to Odido. I called one more time Odido customer service to see if myself in person can go somewhere to pick up the package and the answer was NO and there is no solution for me. Than trying to send it one more time.
-I am travelling next week and I now I can not arrange the shipment.
-So I got no solution or help from Odido. NO service. Nothing. I am completely disappointed and really upset for all the time I wasted with this company.
Yes, I enjoyed the Holidays a lot, thank you for asking! I hope you had a nice Christmas as well
Good that you notify us. I still had your friends' details in my private messages, so I immediately send a request to our Back Office to send the package to them. For now, you just have to enjoy your time abroad and the package will be on its way soon!
I ordered my odido subscription begining of November. There was a mistake in the adress. So the installation package never arrived. I call to customer service to claim for it and they keep sending the package to the wrong adress. People from DHL tell me that the adress can only be change by the sender (Odido in this case). Customer service of Odido say they can not do anything about it. I have claim for the package to be sent already 4 times and the package was sent by DHL three times to the wrong adress. Eventhough I specify the problem is the wrong adress. I can believe there is no solution to this. It is alredy more than one month I ordered the suscription I have no internet and no idea/help how to solve this. This is really disapointing of this company.,
Yes, I enjoyed the Holidays a lot, thank you for asking! I hope you had a nice Christmas as well
Good that you notify us. I still had your friends' details in my private messages, so I immediately send a request to our Back Office to send the package to them. For now, you just have to enjoy your time abroad and the package will be on its way soon!
Thanks a lot
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