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LOS still red - No Internet connection and no contact

  • 7 June 2024
  • 4 reacties
  • 49 Bekeken

Two guys came to my place this week to install the fiber from the street to my house but they did not install the modem that I received a few days before and give me no further information ...

So I have a box on my wall and a modem that I installed myself (it is a quite simple operation to do if you know how to plug the cable) but there is apparently a missing connection somewhere (activation from Odido ?) because the LOS light is red, no light for PON and there is still no Internet.

Nobody called me or inform me about the following step !!!

I have been waiting more than one year (order was made March 8, 2023) so I am beginning to get a little upset !


4 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

@BabNL Thank you for reaching out to us! I will gladly help you further to arrange your connection.

I immediately looked into the system to see what is going on. However, based on the e-mail adres in your community profile I cannot find you. Can you please add your customer number, which looks like ABC12345, to your profile? 

I’m ready to help! 😊


I am sorry but I use another e-mail address than the one on my contract...

I just add my customer number in my profile.

Please tell me if you need anything else.

Thank you.

Reputatie 7
Badge +3

@BabNL Thank you for adding your customer number! 

From what I can see, the technician came to install the Fiber connection point in your house. This is a technician from the network administrator. The process is as follows: as soon as the Fiber connection is fully installed, the network administrator will inform us that all the work is done. This also includes the patch install, which is outside of the home. 

When all the work is finished, we will send a technician from Guidion to install the router and give us the signal that you have a working connection. From that moment, your contract will start, and you can enjoy our services! 

In your case I see that the network administrator has not informed us yet about the work being finished. I immediately made a ticket to my colleagues of the Fiber department to contact them about the planning for your address. As soon as they know more, you will be informed as well. 

Please let me know if there is anything else I can assist you with. I’m always happy to help! 😊

Thank you for your answer.

I am going to contact you in private because there is some information I do not want to share on a forum. I hope you do not mind.
