Hi @Istaclo, my sincerest apologies for the delay! We switched to another distribution partner and this caused irregularities in the distribution. Thank you for your patience and understanding. Your package has finally been shipped.
Fortunately, I see you've received a Track & Trace code which says your modem package will be delivered to you this afternoon between 13:15 and 15:15. If there’s anything else I can do for you, please don't hesitate to ask. I'd be more than happy to help! Stay safe and strong! 

Thank you, @Jason!
Your assistance is much appreciated!
You're welcome @Istaclo! Did you receive the package yet? I'll be back on the Community tomorrow morning, so if you require help in the meantime, please notify fellow users or moderators in this topic! 

I am in the same situation: ordered T-mobile internet before my moving on 29 April and the installation day was set for 13 May. This day passed with no installation package ever arriving. Finally I moved to my new place and now I have no internet. I have been given one week free internet on my phone, as I am also a T-mobile mobile client, and I have been told by an operator (second time I called) that there would be an e-mail from post.nl with a track-trace code, but so far nothing happened.
Is it possible to have a timeline set for the delivery of this installation package?
Hey @gdambros,
I'm so sorry that you've experienced problems with your installation package. Sadly enough we've had some problems with our new distribution center. When I look into your details, I see that you should receive your installation package today between 16:30 and 19:00. So that's really wonderful news! After receiving the package you can install your package without any problems.
Once again sorry for the inconvenience!
Thanks @Piotr! It arrived indeed today. I am trying to install it via the wandcontactdoos, but there is no internet connection (the icon with the “world” symbol does not go on), although it should already be active. Any ideas?
Hi @gdambros, I see my colleague has already notified our technicians, thankfully! It seems as though there's something wrong with either the inhouse wiring, main connection point or perhaps an obstruction in the main distribution center. Our technicians will check what’s wrong and make sure that your connection will work as soon as possible.
If they can't fix it themselves, they'll instruct one of our partners to fix it. Can I send you a voucher for Unlimited Internet in the meantime? That way you'll be able to use the internet via hotspot. It's a simple, temporary solution, but at least it'll get you online! 
Thanks Jason! Indeed I called and I should have already received a voucher for the internet via hotspot. I checked in my apartment and there are two wandcontactdoos, I tried them both unsuccessfully. In the meterkast I found maybe another thing that looks like the “ministekker”, I tried that too but it did not work. I hope this is soon sorted out.
I have exactly the same problem. I ordered the services on May 10, 2020. I am still waiting for the installation package. At the moment I can't work and my child can't study at home. I was in your facility but I was told to wait. When will I finally get the package?
Hello @KasiaG
Did you order glasvezel or DSL?
What does the status in your T-mobile thuis account say?
It is DSL.
The status is "Je aanvraag is in behandeling". And still waiting...
That probably means that T-mobile is still waiting for KPN to patch the connection to your house and afterwards you will get to know the installatiedatum and more information on the delivery of the modem.
Thank you for the information. It is a pity that T-Mobile does not inform about anything...
Its better to wait for a reply from a T-mobile moderator, maybe they can have a look at why its taking this long because normally they just need about 2 weeks time.
I still haven't received any information and Customer Service doesn't answer the phone. It's not even funny anymore.
Hi @KasiaG, thanks for the explanation! Fortunately, our colleagues have forwarded your question to the technical department. They'’ll investigate the matter and offer you a solution. This usually takes, on average and approximately, two to eight working days, tops.
Sorry for the inconvenience, it looks like @Waqqas had the right idea regarding the delayed provision: we're waiting for KPN to finish installing the patch. I'm sure our technicians will provide you with an installation date as quickly as possible.
Is there anything I can help you with in the meantime? Feel free to ask for help, please don't hesitate. The Community's always on standby to help as much as possible. Stay safe and strong! 

Dear Sir/Madam,
Today is supposed to be my installation date but my installation package still hasn’t arrived. I ordered it on the 3rd of October and it said that my installation date will be on the 19th of October. What should I do next? I tried to reach T-Mobile in all possible ways but it was not successful.
Have a nice day!
Kind regards,
Gabriela Vodenova
Hey @Gabriela Vodenova, I recently reacted to your question in the following topic: Installation package is still not delivered. I am faithful that we can take the next step quickly!