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A couple weeks ago I purchase a combined T-mobile home internet + mobile subscription. I activated the mobile subscription on 06/03/23. However, KPN came out today and explained that my apartment does not have the correct wiring for T-Mobile’s home internet. So, I had to cancel and move to a provider that uses Coax cables.

My hope is to keep my home internet and mobile service combined. Is there any way I can possibly port my mobile number over to another provider and cancel my T-mobile subscription? Due to the unexpected circumstances that my home internet cannot be provided as promised on signup?



Hello @paul-pk 

You have a period of 14 days to cancel your mobile contract for free so there are only a couple of days left..

Thanks @Waqqas. I was under the same impression that I had 14 days to cancel. When I called customer support they said they could not cancel it for some reason - hence why I am asking here and hoping to get another customer support rep.


Hmm, they should cancel it without any reason. In the weekend the moderators are not that active so it could take some time for you to receive a reply.

Have you filled in your mobile customer number in your community profile?


That makes sense - I will give customer service another call this afternoon and see if I get a different response. I should have my mobile customer number in my profile.

Ik wil de dienst stopzetten en het nummer overdragen aan een ander bedrijf

Ik wil de dienst stopzetten en het nummer overdragen aan een

als je bedoelt dat je een abonnement bij een andere mobiele provider wilt, sluit daar dan een abonnement af en vraag daar nummerbehoud aan. Dan geven zij dat door aan t-mobile en wordt je t-mobile abonnement,  na het opzegtermijn op de dag van porteren stopgezet.
