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Good Afternoon,

One of your employee came our house to make internet connection last week.He told us that there is some problem with cable inside our house and called a service.He told that they will call you and come to your house within 4 day. However nobody come to the our house.We are worriying  about that so I an editing this mail.We are looking forward to your response.  

Kind regards


Hi @hht531099 

Is this regarding dsl or glasvezel?

In case of dsl we can help you maybe, can you explain what exact the problem is? Try to provide as much information as you can.

And can you please remove your address as this is a public place.


De officier die naar ons huis kwam kon de kabel voor de verbinding niet vinden, hij zei dat de nieuwe kabel moest worden getrokken.

Hi @hht531099, we have contacted the grid operator KPN so they can place a new connection point (ISRA) and cable. I see my colleague also wrote down a second mobile phone number on which they can reach you. The grid operator will contact you within a few days to make appointment with you!
