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Foutje in bestelling

  • 10 October 2019
  • 3 reacties
  • 220 Bekeken


I ordered an internet conncetion through your website, but I never received a contract email. I checked, and it says there is a fault in the order

"Ai! We zien een foutje in je bestelling van T-Mobile ThuisWe zijn er nu mee bezig. Je hoort zo snel mogelijk van ons."

I haven't received anything yet or been given any idea what the problem is. What should I do?

Many thanks

3 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +15
Hello @Sleese

In the message they are saying that you will receive a message from us soon, you can always contact the customer support for more information.
Reputatie 7
Hey @Sleese,

First of all welcome Thuis! 😁 I've some good news! This problem was caused due the fact that the subscription of the old resident wasn't signed of in our system. I've solved this issue for you. You can follow the status of your subscription in your My T-Mobile Thuis environment.
Thank you @Piotr !
