Fiber installation hell

  • 19 March 2023
  • 2 reacties
  • 65 Bekeken

Dear fellow T-Mobile customers,

I am writing this post to share my experience with T-Mobile's fiber installation process, or should I say, the lack of it. I signed a contract with T-Mobile for fiber installation at my home in March of last year, and the initial installation date was expected to be in May. However, it is now March of this year, and I still do not have fiber installed at my home.

I have contacted Open Dutch Fiber, T-Mobile's fiber installation partner, multiple times to schedule the installation. I have provided all necessary documents and information, and yet, nothing has been done. According to T-Mobile, the installation should have been done a long time ago, but they have not kept me updated after promising to sort it out for me.

As I have not started paying for the service yet, it is not a financial loss for me, but it is still frustrating that I cannot access a service that I have signed up for. I rely heavily on the internet for my work, and the current connection is simply not adequate. I have even considered switching to another provider, but I have already signed a contract with T-Mobile.

I am writing this post not only to vent my frustration but also to raise awareness among T-Mobile customers who might be facing the same issue. I hope that T-Mobile will take this seriously and prioritize the installation of fiber at my home. I deserve to receive the service that I have signed up for, and I hope that T-Mobile can rectify this situation as soon as possible.

Tommie van Odido 1 jaar geleden

Hi @crusty13 welcome to our Community!


I would have liked to read a different experience. I immediately started looking for you, only I couldn't see anything immediately. Therefore, I contacted Fiber and made enquiries. They are going to contact you and give a more concrete update on the completion. I hope it all goes a bit faster now. In the meantime, if you're concerned about anything in the meantime, I'd love to hear from you!

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Odf is the grid provider. T-mobile rents a fiber on their network to deliver an internet service. The installation of such fiber networks through a city is a challanging project. ODF has to handle the subcontractors who perform the digging but also deal with permits and VVE's when people live in appartements.  Specially than, the work can take many many months because of the permissies.

I don't know the situation with you,  but a moderator can ask if the backoffice can send you an update if you would like.

Reputatie 7
Badge +9

Hi @crusty13 welcome to our Community!


I would have liked to read a different experience. I immediately started looking for you, only I couldn't see anything immediately. Therefore, I contacted Fiber and made enquiries. They are going to contact you and give a more concrete update on the completion. I hope it all goes a bit faster now. In the meantime, if you're concerned about anything in the meantime, I'd love to hear from you!
